Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice

Islamic Quotes On Justice. In literal terms, justice means treating everyone and everything with fairness. The Quran shows that it is one of the most concentrated themes in Islam. Allah SWT commands His people to always remain just and fair even when dealing with one’s enemy.

Muslims who treat others with injustice will be thrown in the lowest steep of hell and their rewards will be given to the oppressed victims. Allah SWT says in the Quran: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both….” (Quran 4:135).

What Does Islam Teach Us About Justice

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice

↓1 – Justice In Islam

Justice in Islam means giving equal rights to your fellow Muslims without any discrimination. Islam teaches us to be fair towards everybody even if that means going against your own self. Also have a look at these 30 Islamic Inspirational Quotes For Difficult Times.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓2 – Quranic Verses Related To Justice

People in this world are unjust towards others without realizing that Allah SWT sees everything and has control over everything and therefore He will surely hold the wrongdoers accountable for every inch of their injustice.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓3 – Quotes On Justice Islam

Islam is a religion that supports and encourages mercy, wisdom and justice and therefore if anyone goes against these traits then he is surely going against Islam.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓4 – Quranic Verses About Justice

Allah SWT mentioned about justice in the Quran several times as it is one of the most supreme virtues. He commanded to be fair in all our dealing whether they are small or big, whether they involve family or not even if that means not being fair to yourself.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓5 – Allah SWT Is The Most Merciful

Allah SWT is the Most Supreme, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. He knows and sees everything, therefore, He will never let an unjust man get away with his unfair and evil dealings.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓6 – The Perfect Justice

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓7 – Injustice Islam Quotes

Allah SWT ordered His people to always do justice and equality as He Himself does not do injustice as much as an atom’s weight.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓8 – Justice In Quran And Hadith

It is impossible to survive in a society where there is no justice, therefore, the Quran and Hadith both concentrate on its importance and how neglecting it can lead you to darkness.

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↓9 – Quotes About Justice In Islam

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↓10 – Hadith Of Prophet Muhammad About Justice

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always encouraged others to remain just and partial because he knew the rewards that come with it and he always wanted the best for people. Here are 30 Beautiful Islamic Quotes on Sabr & Patience.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓11 – Piety

Allah SWT forbids us to choose the path of injustice. He wants us to choose righteousness so that we do not deviate from the path of light.

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↓12 – Islam Leads To Justice

Islam strongly motivates people to follow the rules and regulation set by Allah SWT and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as they bring us closer to Allah (SWT).

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice



↓13 – Hazrat Imam Ali Quotes On Justice

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↓14 – Social Justice In Islam

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) clearly told us that no one should feel superior over his fellow Muslim brother or sister except by good action or piety.

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↓15 – Speak For Justice

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↓16 – Justice In Islam In Urdu

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↓17 – Concept Of Justice In Islam

Hazrat Imam Ali clarified the concept of justice in Islam very precisely and simply. He taught us to remain just so there is no need for courage. Don’t miss out these 20+ Best Quotes from Imam Hazrat Ali & Sayings In English.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓18 – Hadith On Being Fair

Being just and fair was one of the most prominent traits of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He would always remain unbiased even when it came to his own family.

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓19 – Hatred

Islam teaches us that justice is a very essential part of our religion and we must never let hatred come in the way of our religion.

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↓20 – Beautiful Hadith

Justice in Islam-25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice


↓21 – Result Of Injustice In Islam

“As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)

↓22 – Never Be Unjust

Huzaifa (RA) reported that Prophet Muhmmad (SAW) said: “Do not let yourselves become blind followers, saying that if the people are good then we will be good, and if they are unjust then we will be unjust. Rather, make up your own minds. If the people are good then be good, but if they are evil then do not be unjust.” At-Tirmidhi

↓23 – Glad Tidings For Just Rulers

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated: “There are seven categories of people whom God will shelter under His shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His. [One is] the just leader.”(Saheeh Muslim)

↓24 – Legal Justice In Islam

The Holy Quran focuses on the theme of justice in many different ways. It shows us that Allah SWT has commanded us to remain fair in all our dealings whether its a family matter, a business matter or a social decision. “And approach not the property of the orphan except in the fairest way, until he [or she] attains the age of full strength, and give measurement and weight with justice…” (Quran 6:152, also see 89:17, 93:9, and 107:2)

↓24 – Justice According To Sunnah

Once a woman of a renowned family with good connections stole something and was found guilty. To keeo the honor of Quraish, some prominent personalities including Usama Ibn Zaid (RA) intervened trying to save her from the punishment. The Prophet (SAW) refused to forgive the crime and said: “Many a community ruined itself in the past as they only punished the poor and ignored the offenses of the exalted. By Allah, if Muhammad’s (My) daughter Fatimah would have committed theft, her hand would have been severed.” (Bukhari)

↓25 – Importance Of Justice In Islam

The Holy Quran throws light on the importance of justice through many verses related to it just like it is displayed in the following verses “We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Measure in order to establish justice among the people…” (Quran 57:25)


  1. Moon child July 28, 2022

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