Gratitude Quotes – 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful

Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful. The Quran and Sunnah teach us that being grateful to Allah (SWT) is one of the prime duties of a Muslim. He bestows His countless blessing upon us while we take that for granted, therefore it is very important that we realize it and thank our Lord for His favors.

We must understand that Shaytan continuously tries to make Muslims ungrateful. After refusing to bow to Adam, Shaytan said: “Then I will certainly come to them from before them and from behind them, and from the right-hand side and from the left-hand side, and You (Allah) shall not find most of them thankful.” (Al-Araf 7:17)

How To Be Grateful As a Muslim?

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful  Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful  

↓1 – Quran Verses About Being Grateful

Allah (SWT) is the Supreme, The Most Generous. He showers countless blessings upon us and even if we tried to count them, we will never be able to do so. Here are 30+ Islamic Quotes About Hardships in Life.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓2 – Shukar Leads To Prosperity

Islam teaches us to be thankful as it is one the most loved acts by Allah (SWT). When He sees that His people are being thankful to Him for the things He has provided, He increases His favors upon those people.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓3 – Never Complain

When a Muslim starts to complain, it shows that he or she is not satisfied with the things that Allah (SWT) has provided. This leads to disappointment and ungratefulness, the two most disliked acts that Islam tells us about.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓4 – Grateful To Allah Quotes

As muslims, it is our duty that we consider and appreciate all the blessings that are provided to us by Allah (SWT) regardless of how we live in this world (not being completely on the right path). He increases His favors for those who are grateful but for those who always complain, He will surely punish them too.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓5 – Being Thankful In Islam

Whenever we face any hardship, we try our best to come out of it by seeking help from different platforms e.g. doctors, scholars, meditation etc. But what we do not understand is that Allah (SWT) is the Eternal Helper, it is only Him who brings out our souls from darkness into light and our hearts from hardships to ease.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓6 – Dua For Being Thankful To Allah

There are many duas that can help get us what we want. Therefore, we must also recite duas to keep our hearts in the right place and to be thankful to Allah (SWT) for everything He has given us.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓7 – Thanking Allah For His Blessing Quotes

We have been created by Allah (SWT) with the powers of hearing,vision and intellect so that we recognize these blessings and thank our Supreme Creator for them.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓8 – Thankful To Allah For Everything

Allah (SWT) knows things that are beyond human imagination. Sometimes, He takes things from us and that is also a blessing because He knows what is best for us.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓9 – Gratitude In Islam Quotes

To become a better Muslim, we must learn the art of not wanting more and being content and grateful with what we have.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓10 – Thankful Quotes In Islam

Sometimes, we think that the problems we are facing are the most difficult ones. We do not realize that there are people who are fighting tougher battles. Therefore, it is important to have faith in Allah (SWT) that He will surely rescue our souls from the difficulties we are dealing with. You should also have a look at these 25 Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓11 – Allah (SWT) Always Helps

Our Superior Creator knows things that we can not understand. Sometimes we become impatient when He does not answer our prayers immediately, however we must understand that He has better plans for us.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓12 – Quran Verses About Thankfulness

Allah (SWT) always wants the best for His people, He never intends to put them in difficult situations. Allah (SWT) wishes to purify His creation and completely bestow His favors upon them.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓13 – Ar-Rahmaan

Our Sustainer is Ghafoor-ur-Raheem, He gives us more than we thank Him for. He is always ready to give us more and more even when we are not thanking Him enough for the favors He has already granted us. We must learn to thank Allah (SWT) for the innumerable blessings.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓14 – Hadith On Being Thankful

As human beings, it is our nature that we always look at the people above us. We always want more and we are always in the race of being the best and beating others. Islam teaches us that we must be satisfied with what we have as there are people who are not even able to get the things that we have. If there are people who are better than us then there are also people who are struggling more than us.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓15 – Being Grateful Quotes

We must learn about being grateful from the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as he had lost so much and was targeted by so many oppositions yet he never complained and always thanked Allah (SWT). As muslims, it is our duty to follow the footsteps of our Prophet (SAW) who had a magnificent personality even after being tested by Allah (SWT) several times.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓16 – The Power Of Expressing Gratitude

Not everyone is able to thank Allah (SWT) for His favors upon us. If you are able to thank The Al-Mighty you must feel very lucky as being able to express gratitude towards your Lord is a blessing itself.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓17 – Be Positive

Sometimes we fill our thoughts with negativity that Our Lord is not listening to our prayers. But what we do not understand is that He is always listening to us, answering to us, we just need to be patient and keep ourselves positive. We must have faith that if we are grateful, Allah (SWT) will reward us with better things.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓18 – The Power Of Shukr

We must understand that if we serve Our Lord according to His wishes, He will surely reward us with more than what we wished for. He is the Eternal, The Most Supreme and only He has the power to give us what we desire.

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


↓19 – Allah (SWT)’s Power

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↓20 – Alhamdullilah Quotes

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↓ 21 – Being Grateful In Bad Times

Here’s why you should be grateful no matter how bad things get:

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful

↓ 22 – The Best Quranic Verse On Gratitude

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful

↓ 23 – A Muslim’s Life Is About Gratitude

Gratitude Quotes - 23 Islamic Quotes About Being Grateful


  1. Bushirah Abdulai Bushir March 25, 2021
  2. Aminu Abubakar October 19, 2023
  3. Rosa Colbert May 22, 2024

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