Ghusl in Islam: Islam has emphasized greatly the importance of purity and cleanliness, not only physical but also spiritual – as we discussed in detail in our post on Qualities that Allah Loves. We are to believe that spiritual purity is linked to physical cleanliness However this powerful principle of our faith. However, this important and powerful principle of our faith is not reflected in our society practically.
There is so much emphasis by Allah SWT in the Quran on cleanliness. That is a piece of evidence that one cannot be close to Allah SWT or complete his faith in the absence of cleanliness and purity. Keeping the environment clean is as important as is everything else.
What Is The Correct Way To Perform Ghusl?
In Islam, Allah`s worship and seeking His help are conditioned with physical purity. Several verses in the Quran reflect the importance of cleanliness. For example,
Here are 7 things that you need to know about Ghusl in Islam:

1. Intention
At the beginning of your Ghusl, you should have the intention of removing that purity from yourself with that Ghusl. The purpose of intentions is to distinguish the ordinary acts from the acts of worship or distinguish between different acts of worship. As for washing, yourself may be done for various reasons but it is essential to distinguish the one that you do for Allah from the ordinary one. The Prophet SAW has said:

2. Supplication Before Ghusl
There is no specific supplication obligatory before performing Ghusl but it is advised to say Bismillah. It was the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW to recite it. In case someone forgets to recite Bismillah before their Ghusl or Wudhu, their Wudhu or Ghusl is not invalidated because it was a Sunnah of the Prophet and not Fardh. You may say Bismillah in the middle of your Ghusl/Wudhu when you remember it.
3. Reach of Water
The water must reach the entire body so that there is no part left that water does not reach because Janaabah(ritual impurity caused by the discharge of semen or sexual intercourse) affects the entire body. If there is a surgical dressing or the skin or the hair that forms a barrier for water from reaching it then that should be removed otherwise your Ghusl is invalid according. The scholars have unanimously agreed upon this.

Here are 10 Islamic Quotes on Nature & The Concept of Nature in Islam.
4. Ghusl is Obligatory When Semen is Discharged
Emission of semen, even if it is not through intercourse, makes the Ghusl obligatory on you. No distinction has been made between man or woman in this case whether awake or asleep.
5. Ghusl Is Not Obligatory In a Case of Minor Impurity
Ghusl is required in the case of major impurity and not minor impurity. However, he is commanded to perform Wudhu (ablution) and remove the impure clothes from himself.
6- Ablution Before Ghusl
Sahih Bukhari reports from Hazrat Aaishah that when the Prophet SAW did his Ghusl to clean himself from Janaabah, he would start by washing his hands and then perform ablution like he would for prayers. Then he would di his fingers into water and make it reach the roots of his hair. He would pour water over his head three times scooping the water up with his hands and pouring it all over his body. Do go through our detailed post on How To Perform Wudu (Ablution) & Islamic Quotes on Wudu.
7- No Water For Ghusl
If there is no water available for performing Ghusl to purify sexual impurity, then a Tyammum performed with the intention of Ghusl sufficient for a Muslim.
When is Ghusl obligatory in Islam?
Many people do not know when they need to perform Ghusl. Here is a listicle so you can be aware of these things.
- Emission of semen whether in male or female
- Sexual intercourse even if no ejaculation takes place
- After the monthly menstrual cycle(Menses) comes to an end.
- After the end of Postpartum (Nifas).
- When a non-Muslim embraces Islam, it is obligatory for him to take Ghusl
- It is obligatory to give ghusl to the dead body except for that of a martyr (those who died n the way of (Allah)
How to Perform Ghusl?
Performing ghusl is not just putting water over your head. There are certain actions that you need to do to make your ghusl valid.
- Make the intention in your heart to purify yourself for the impurity: Janaabah, menstruation, or postpartum bleeding.
- Recite Bismillah
- Wash the hands three times
- Wash any dirt from the private part using the left hand and then wash your left hand three times.
- Perform the complete Wudhu as you would perform for your prayer.
- Pour water over your head three times so that it reaches the roots of your hair.
- Follow with washing your entire body and make sure that water reaches every part of the body. Start with the right side of the body and then the left.

Although the Prophet SAW has commanded to stay clean at all times but it is highly recommended to take Ghusl of the whole body each Friday before the Congregational prayer. Every worship of Allah SWT is conditioned to perfect physical purity. Even the clothing should be perfectly clean from any dirt.
It is important for every believer, adult or child, to be taught the most basic teachings of our faith; cleanliness of ourselves is the most important one. It is easier to teach when people are taught at a young age how to keep themselves clean.
Especially now when humans are fighting with a pandemic, keeping yourself cleaned is the way to go!
Islam has encouraged people to keep themselves clean as it is considered as half your deen. Similarly, it keeps you safe from many diseases.
if you masIf you masturbate, you need to take a Ghusl