Lessons from Surah Al Hujarat: is the forty-ninth (49) Surah of the Holy Quran. It is a Madni Surah and had been revealed on several occasions that needed social guidance. It addresses the ethical values and Akhlaq that a believer has to possess to lead an ideal life according to the principles of Islam.
It teaches us many lessons to shape our lives according to the commandments of Allah SWT.
What Can We Learn From Surah Al-Hujarat?
Surah Hujarat deals with the moral values prevailing in an Islamic society. It can be divided into three parts.
The first part addresses the fact that respect should be given to our Prophet Muhammad PBUH and our opinions should be according to the commands of Allah and His messenger.
The second part deals with the moral values that a believer should be possessing. He should always be ready to make peace between people with justice and equity. He should avoid making false assumptions about others and never spy on his brothers. He should stay away from backbiting and slandering.
The last part addresses the fact that a Muslim attains Iman when he has pure faith and Taqwa in his heart. He does not recite duas from his tongue but his heart also bows in front of the Creator.

10 – Don’t Go Ahead of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The most important element of Imaan is to believe in the Oneness of Allah SWT and the finality of His Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The believer dedicates his life to the cause of his creator. His wishes and whims are modified according to the commandments of Allah and the prophet Muhammad’s teachings. He should never give preference to his views and opinions over what Allah and Prophet Muhammad have said. In every matter, the word of of Allah SWT, which is the Quran, and His Prophet, sunnah, should be given utmost importance.

9 – Regard For The Prophet Muhammad PBUH
The etiquette of being in the presence of the Holy Prophet has been laid out in the Quran. We are not supposed to treat him like a common man or someone of equal rank. The voice of a common man should not be raised in front of him and he should be given the utmost respect that he deserves. In the present times, where believers do not have the opportunity to be in his presence, the same level of respect should be granted to the sayings and Message of our Holy Prophet. One should never go against his sunnah and when his name is mentioned in front of us, we are bound to show deep reverence and love.
In this surah, we also learn to have patience and good manners. Islam was being spread to the different parts of the world therefore many people did not have the proper training in good manners and etiquette. People from far away used to come to meet the prophet and call out to him from outside his Chambers. This act was strictly prohibited by Allah SWT and considered disrespectful. Therefore it is advised to wait out for him to come outside and wait for him. In the present times, we should never take his name and mention his name casually in front of anyone. His name should always be taken with respect and honour.

8 – Verify The News By a Transgressor
Verification of news brought by a transgressor is the most important step. Many a time, the rumor that has been traveled through someone who is a liar or false storyteller, can give rise to dreadful consequences. Therefore, it is advised to examine the matter and the news bringer carefully before acting upon it or narrating it to others.

7 – Reconciliation Between People
Reconciliation is to remove grudges against a person or a group and make peace with them. In Islam, reuniting people has been given great importance as differences and disputes eliminate faith from one’s heart and ruptures many relationships. In Surah Huajrat, Allah mentions, When two parties of believers quarrel over any matter, it is our responsibility as a Muslim to sort out the problem and make a way for reconciliation. The root cause of the fight or argument should be examined carefully and removed immediately. A Muslim government should always be ready to reconcile the other two Muslim parties.
Similarly, when we see individuals, who are our brothers in faith, fighting each other or have cut ties, we should help them fight their enmity and recover the friendly relations between them as it opens the door for us to be closer to Allah SWT.
If one of the fighting parties doesn’t accept their wrongdoings and disagree to make peace, it is advised to fight against them until they agree to comply with the commands of Allah SWT.

6 – Seeking Justice
Justice in Islam has been given the utmost importance as It shapes an Islamic society and its moral values. It can only be achieved if the matters are dealt with rightfully and it also denotes fair treatment and equal distribution. Allah in the Quran has commanded many times that we as believers should be acting justly in all matters and fair dealings should be our main priority. No relationship should hinder us from seeking justice. Allah in the Quran says,
Allah commands justice and fair dealing…” (Quran 16:90)
Similarly, when we take the responsibility of reconciliation between two individuals or parties, we are bound to examine the circumstances carefully and take appropriate measures with justice and equity. Here are some more beautiful Islamic Quotes on Justice.

5 – Giving Up on Mockery
In Islam, every believer is equal in the eyes of Allah SWT. But in today’s world, one who doesn’t see others with the eyes of equality considers himself better than others in terms of wealth, caste, colour and creed. He mocks them with his words, call them names, point at their physical flaws, and never let go of any chance to insult them publicly or privately. This act is strictly prohibited by Allah as He’s the only Judge to decide who is better. He commands us to treat everyone equally and respectfully. We are not allowed to call others with disrespectful nicknames that can cause them heartache and humiliation. The believers are brothers to each other and share a sacred bond that should never be compromised.

4 – Renouncing Backbiting
Backbiting is to mention someone in his absence in the way he would have hated to be mentioned. It is one of the gravest sins in Islam and can only be forgiven if the person, whose gheebah has been done, forgives us. Uttering derogatory remarks, making fun of them, in their absence that cannot be shared in their presence count Backbiting. It is considered equal to eating one’s brother’s flesh, therefore, Allah commands us to renounce backbiting. Don’t forget to go through these Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting.

3 – Avoid Suspicion and Spying
Suspicion is to form false assumptions about someone on the basis of their actions or giving self-formed justifications to whatever they say or do. It is prohibited by Allah to be suspicious about other believers and find faults in them. It corrupts one’s heart and soul with illogical explanations and thoughts and disrupts one’s relationships with others. We should always purify our hearts, try to justify the acts of others with every possible good explanation and form positive opinions.
Spying in Islam has been looked down upon. We should never try to find out about other’s lives and poke our noses. We should always respect the privacy of others and never ask questions about their personal lives with the intention of spying.

2 – Islam Negates Racism
Racism is having prejudices against one race, cast or an individual and treating them unequally in an inferior or superior manner. In Islam, racism is considered a heinous act that breaks apart societies. We have been created from one dust and one Creator, Allah, and we are the offspring of one father and mother. It was inevitable to be divided into different countries and regions, having different cultures and languages for recognition. But considering the other person or nation inferior is strictly prohibited by Allah. On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not ask us about our tubes or nationality. To learn more about this topic, do go through our detailed post on Racism in Islam.

1 – Taqwa, the Main Element of Islam
Entering the circle of Islam demands complete obedience and Taqwa. Just reciting Kalma for the sake of being a Muslim is not what Islam is about. It is about attaining Taqwa in our hearts which means to refrain from kufr and sins. It is to abide by the rules and commands of Allah SWT and abstain from what is forbidden by our Creator.

That Bio of hers,I love it.So she likes meaningful convo,SO can I have ?