30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting

Islamic Quotes About Backbiting And Gossiping. In the Arabic language, backbiting is referred to as al-Gheebah or al-Gheebatu. It is defined as speaking ill about your Muslim brother or sister in their absence.

Talking behind people’s back is considered a major sin in Islam and it drives us away from Allah’s mercy. As Muslims, it is our duty to talk about our fellow Muslims with respect and integrity even when they are not present. It is not permissible in Islam to spread rumors, engage in backbiting or to gossip about other people. The Prophet (s) said: “No fire is faster in consuming dry wood than gheebah in consuming a devotee’s virtues.” [Al-Mahajjat al-bayda’, vol. 5, p. 264]

What Islam Teaches About Backbiting

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting

↓30 – Quranic Teaching About Backbiting

Allah (SWT) is the Almighty and The Most Supreme, He is the one who stops us from committing these great sins like backbiting and gossiping as they take us away from Allah (SWT) and His Blessings. Here are 40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship.

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓29 – Backbiting In Islam Hadith

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓28 – Judge Yourself First

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓27 – How To Deal With Backbiters In Islam

As Muslims, it is our duty to educate one another about the harmful effects of backbiting.

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓26 – Meaning Of Backbiting In Islam

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓25 – Gossip In Islam Quotes

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓24 – Imam Ali (RA) Quotes On Backbiting

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓23 – How To Treat Backbiters

Islam is a religion of peace and forgiveness, it teaches us to always remain pious. Backbiting is a sin that increases the number of good deeds for the victim.

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓22 – Stop Yourself From Committing A Sin

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓21 – Punishment Of Gossiping

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓20 – Hadith About Gossiping In Islam

Do have a look at these 25 Beautiful Thanking Allah Quotes.

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓19 – Backbiting In Islam Quotes

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓18 – Entrance To Hell

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓17 – Spread Love And Compassion

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓16 – Effects Of Backbiting

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓15 – Beware Of What You Speak

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓14 – How To Protect Yourself From Backbiting

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓13 – Prophets Quotes About Backbiting

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓12 – Seeking For Forgiveness From Allah (SWT)

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓11 – Backbiting Leads To Trouble

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓10 – A Real Friend

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓9 – Look At Yourself First

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓8 – The Evils Of Gossiping

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓7 – Think Before You Speak

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓6 – Keep Control Of Your Tongue

30 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On Gossiping & Backbiting


↓5 – Islamic Teachings About Backbiting

Islam teaches us to treat our fellow Muslim brothers with honor and sincerity. The concept of brotherhood and sisterhood is highly promoted in Islam as it ignites the goodness in people. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Don’t envy one another, and don’t increase prices for each other, and don’t hate one another, and don’t turn away from one another, and don’t undermine each other in trade, but rather be servants of Allah and brothers among yourselves. A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he doesn’t wrong him, nor does he fail him, nor does he lie to him, nor does he disdain him. Piety is here (and he pointed to his heart three times). It is evil enough for a person to disdain his Muslim brother. The whole of a Muslim is inviolable for another Muslim: his blood, his money and his honour.” (Muslim). Here are 35+ Quotes on Judgment Day in Islam.

↓4 – Declare Jihad

As Muslims it is our duty to declare Jihad against unseen enemies that can deviate us from the right path. Following are the enemies that we must declare Jihad against:


2) Arrogance

3) Conceit

4) Selfishness

5) Greed

6) Lust

7) Intolerance

8) Anger

9) Lying

10) Cheating

11) Gossiping

12) Backbiting

13) Slandering

If one masters and destroys these sins, then he or she will be ready to combat the enemy you can see.

↓3 – Islamic Stories About Backbiting

Abdullah Ibn Masood once narrated this incident. “We were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) when a man stood to leave. Another man spoke badly about him after he left, so the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Pick your teeth.” The man said, “O Messenger of Allah, why should I pick my teeth when I have not eaten meat?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “You have eaten the flesh of your brother.”
—  [(al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 9951) (Narrator: Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (رضي الله عنه)]

↓2 – Ways Of Seeking Forgiveness For Backbiting In Islam

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Whoever has wronged his brother with regard to his honour or anything else, let him seek his forgiveness today, before there will be no dinar and no dirham, and if he has any good deeds to his credit they will be taken from him in a manner commensurate with the wrong he did, and if he has no good deeds, then some of his counterpart’s bad deeds will be taken and added to his burden.” [al-Bukhaari].

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:

Whoever wrongs a person by slandering him, backbiting about him or insulting him, then repents, Allah will accept his repentance, but if the one who was wronged finds out about that, he has the right to settle the score. But if he slandered him or backbit about him and the person did not hear of that, then there are two views according to the scholars, both of which were narrated from Ahmad, the more correct of which is that he should not tell him that he spoke against him in his absence. It was said that he should rather speak well of him in his absence just as he spoke badly of him in his absence, as al-Hasan al-Basri said: the expiation for gheebah is to pray for forgiveness for the person about whom you backbit. (Majmoo’ al-Fataawa.)

↓1 – Consequences of Backbiting

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Whoever backbites a Muslim spoils his fasts and breaks his wudu’, and shall come on the Day of Resurrection with his mouth’s stench more putrid than a carcass’, and it shall irk those who are with him in his station (mawqif). If he dies before repenting, his death is like that of one who dies while considering permissible that which is prohibited by God, the Exalted and the Glorious.” [Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Wasa’il al-Shi`ah, vol. 8, hadith no. 16316]

At another event Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said to Abu Dharr (RA) “O Abu Dharr! Beware of backbiting, for backbiting is graver than adultery (zina’).” Abu Dharr (r) said: “Why is that so, O Messenger of Allah?” He (s) replied: “That is because when a man commits adultery and then repents to God, God accepts his repentance. However, backbiting is not forgiven until forgiven by its victim.” [Al-Hurr al-`Amili, Wasai’l al-Shi`ah, vol. 8, hadith no. 18312]


  1. Saleha Fatima October 28, 2019
    • Anam Ali March 5, 2023
  2. Anam Ali March 5, 2023

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