40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

Islamic Quotes On Friendship. Friendship is a bond between people. This bond can be either strong or weak depending upon numerous factors. Trust, loyalty, honesty, and compromises are part of every relationship that exists in this world.

Friendship like all others requires all these and a lot more habits and personality traits.

Islamic Friendship Quotes in English

There are different quotations from the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions. These will enlighten the mind regarding how one can manage this relationship. These will teach us where we stand wrong and what we can do to improve certain elements in our life. How we can bring about changes in our personality.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 40 –  Friends follow one another’s religion

Friends influence each other and imitate one another in a lot of ways. So if one is a Muslim, surely his friend would observe Islamic matters and try applying them in his or her life. Here are 50+ Inspirational Islamic Quran Quotes / Verses In English.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 39 – Who Is Your Friend and Who Is Your Enemy

Your enemies can harm you, therefore, we should define our circle of friends and enemies.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 38 – Have Friends of  Good Nature

Keep friends who are not selfish or who backbite, but consider those which can control their desires and anger, teaching you good things to build your character.

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↓ 37 – Giving Advice To Your Friends

Advice requires honesty , and hence when giving advice to your fellows always consider their self- respect and tell them privately rather than giving them advice in a group of men which they consider as their insult.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 36 – Having Learned Friends

A person should keep company with well- educated people, so that they can learn good things from them and become a knowledgeable person rather than staying with the illiterate and become a less open-minded personality. Education converts a man into a cultured person.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 35 – Testing your Friends

A true friend cannot be defined as one until he/ she passes the tests , for example when you are in need a good friend who really cares about you will stand by your side at that difficult time and not leave you alone. Some one who does not care will make excuses and turn their back towards you. People who truly consider themselves as your friends will never talk behind your back but rather be protective and supportive, remember the one who backbites in front of you about others will always say false things about you to someone else aswell, behind your back. So always choose your friends with great observation. 40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 34 – Do not Have Friends Who Indulge in Sinful Acts

Having friends who are involved in doing morally incorrect acts have an opposite effect on ones personality. Being with such people make you believe that they are doing the right thing, even though they are wrong. Hence, you forget to distinguish between the right and wrong.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 33 – Friendship in Islam Hadith

When you are a friend to one another you always protect one another. There is reward for the one who helps his friend. It is like a reflection, when you do something for someone, Allah rewards you with the same thing. You hide one’s faults Allah hides your faults. You act kind towards a friend Allah acts kind towards you and is merciful towards you. Therefore, always put others in the first place and yourself second.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 32 – Friends are Family

When some friends are closer, that you spend more time with them , share your secrets and things with them wholeheartedly, and there is no difference amongst you, those friends become equivalent to family.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 31 – Respecting your Friends

Sincere friends are those which show consideration towards each other. 40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 30 – Acting Genuinely Towards Your Friends

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40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 29 – Trusting Your Friends

Every relationship demands trust and so does friendship.  So inorder to maintain this trust you have to be convinced -sometimes- to and after with your companions.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 28 – Friendship Is A Reflection Of Your Acts

Whatever you want for yourself is what you should give to others. Again , every relationship is merely a reflection of eachother, what the other does you repeat the same act. This is also how our mind works. If you tend to be courteous to someone they’ll be courteous as well but if you’re react rudly in a conversation ,the second person wouldn’t feel like talking to you the next time probably because how you reacted to at first.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 27 – Following Your Friends

Friends are second to family and hence we spend time with them often. The people we spend time most with have an influence on our habits and character building.  Therefore, it is essential that we are surrounded by the people who work for the greater good.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 26 – Harm Through Friendship

Sometimes people are not well-aware of the worldly situations and when discusions happen among people , they  are not wise enough that they can decide for the good. Harming themselves and others in return.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 25 – Islamic Concept of Frienship

Every person has their rights. No one should compromise on their rights and also no second person should refrain from giving them.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 24 –  Letting Go Of Small Disputes Is Friendship

There are alot of compromises in any relationship. One has to agree sometimes to a friends opinion so that pity isuues donot come upfront. So avoiding small problems or debates is a great way to retain the relationship.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 23 – Friendship Does not Require Force

Try not to go after people if they dislike your company. Instead, become such a personality that people themselves get attracted to you.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 22 – When Your Friend Does Something Wrong

Hiding eachothers mistakes and covering up for one another is an integral part of friendship .

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 21 – Keep Friends Who Spend Well

Try to staying with those friends who spend well so that at the time of need that stand by your side.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 20 – Have Company Of Sensible Friends

If one surrounds themselves with intelligent people they will always be benefited. Here are 50 Beautiful Rumi Quotes About Love, Life & Friendship.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 19 – Associate With Well-educated People

Keep company of open- minded people and those who stay wide awake with daily happenings in life so that a person can take guidance from them.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

 ↓ 18 – The Reason To Have Many Friends

The more friends one will have the merrier it will be be. As having more of something is always better.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 17 – Important To Have Respectable Friends

A person’s self respect is the most important and if one should always keep account for it.40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 16 – A Relationship In Which Unfamiliar Changes Into The Familiar

People can become so close to you that we donot realize when they become a very important part of our daily lives and without them something always stays missing.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 15 – Learn To Differentiate Between People

Emotions that involve sudden reactions can often be a great trick to judge people.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 14 – Surrounding Oneself  With The Righteous

Keep company with the one who follows the right path and let your earnings be used by those who are on the right path .

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 13 – Try To Become A Great Companion

In today’s world people have stopped caring for on another , have forgotten the old times so it is integral that we ourselves try to act with kindness towards others.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 12 – Why Is It Important To Have Truthful Friends ?

As true friends will show you what is better for you and keep you as close to reality rather than make you live dreams that might make you fall.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 11 – The Qualities Of Your Friends

People link to memories and events and so a person should keep friends who remind us of the greater things in life or aboutthe right deeds.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 10 – How To Illuminate The Mind

Stay with people who fear Allah, or discuss what the Quran says or try to follow the righteous path as we mirror our friends. Here are 50+ Inspirational Quotes of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) & Sayings.

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 9 – Treating Friends With Justice

People often show their true faces when some emotions are triggered in them. So it is a great way to judge if the person treats you fairly or not in different situations.

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↓ 8 – A Measurement of Wealth

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 7 – Friendship Is Reflection For Others To See

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 6 – The Seriousness Of Friendship

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 5 – A Friend Is A Teacher 40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 4 – Friendship Is About The Soul40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 3 – Rules To Follow When You Are Together

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↓ 2 – Friends Are To Guide One Another

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

↓ 1 – Friendship Is About Guiding Each Other To The Straight Path

40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship -Value of Friendship

It is to keep in mind that friendship is a very significant realtionship in life. We are to take care of it and try to treat each other well at all terms.

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