15 Islamic Quotes on Helping Others and Its Reward

Islam is a religion where humanity plays a vital role. Where Haqooq Allah (Rights of Allah) that includes all the acts of worship are important, the Haqooq ul Ibaad (Rights of humans) cannot be ignored too. Read on to know about the Islamic obligation of helping others and Islamic quotes proven from Hadith and Quranic verses about helping others.

Why Muslims Should Help Others

The recent tragedy of the Turkey earthquake has shaken the entire world and the Muslim community worldwide specifically. People from all walks of life are donating to the cause in every possible way. Natural calamities like this are a wake-up call for those living a comfortable life to Thank Allah for our blessings. Yet it’s a trial for us to empathize and help our Muslim brothers and sisters.

We have been told numerous times through Quranic verses and authentic Hadith the ways and benefits of helping others. The promise of Allah as evident from Hadith is “Allah is helping the servant as long as the servant is helping his brother.” This is a motivation for all to hasten in helping others in distress.

Following are some of the ways and benefits that our religion Islam highlights about lending a helping hand to others in whatever way possible.

1- The Reward for Being Gentle and Helpful

The following Hadith states how Allah (SWT) appreciates the attribute of being gentle in humans as he possesses the same quality. Being gentle leads to helping others through thick and thin.

Islamic quotes about helping others

2- Allah Blesses His Servant when He Helps His Brother in Need

The following gems by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) state that Allah (SWT) showers his blessings in numerous ways on His servant when he/she relieves other Muslims in times of distress.

Islamic quotes about helping others

3- Kindness is Charity

Charity in Islam is not only confined to financial help. Every single act of kindness is considered charity. For example, passing a smile, giving a sincere suggestion to someone, looking after the sick, taking care of animals and many other gestures.

Islamic Quotes on Helping Others

4- Giving Charity Removes Calamity

When one is helping others, it’s not only about benefitting the one in need. The beauty of our religion is that the one who is helping by showing kindness and giving charity, his/her problems also taken care of. As the following Hadith tells that charity removes calamity.

Islamic Quotes on Helping Others

5- Allah’s Promise to Rescue His Servant when He Helps Others

The following words of wisdom by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) state that Allah (SWT) helps the person helping others by rescuing him/her on the day of judgement. Moreover, when one Muslim hides the fault of others, Allah (SWT) will too hide his/her faults in both worlds. This is a great motivation.

Islamic quotes about helping others

6- Allah Encourages us to Cooperate in Righteousness

The following verse of the Holy Quran encourages us to support each other in good cause. However, supporting an evil cause is forbidden. Hence, one should be mindful to only help others if the cause is good.

Islamic quotes about helping others

7- Charity Saves us from Hell Fire

Giving charity even as small as a date can pave way for Paradise. Near Allah (SWT), more than quantity, our true intention matters.

Islamic quotes about helping others

8- Forgiveness and Kindness in Return of Evil

The following beautiful Hadith has a true essence of humanity in Islam. Even if someone does evil to us, we should try to have a forgiving and kind attitude in return.

Islamic quotes about helping others

9- Reward for Caring for a Widow

This Hadith explains the reward for taking care of a widow and a poor person. The reward is equivalent to Jiihad, praying all night or/and fasting all day.

Islamic Quotes on Helping Others

10- Hasten in Good Deeds

The following eye-opening verse from Surah Munafiqun instructs us to speed up in giving charity before it’s too late and death comes. In addition, it also tells that giving charity is one of the qualities of being righteous.

Islamic Quotes on Helping Others

11- Being Kind is Allah’s Attribute

This Hadith encourages us to be kind as it’s the quality of Allah (SWT). By being kind we can sincerely help others.

Islamic quotes about helping others

12- Loving Others Unconditionally

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) has advised us on how to be a true Muslim. We should love things and acts for our Mulsim brothers and sisters the same way would prefer for ourselves.

Islamic quotes about helping others

13- Rights of Neighbours and Guests

The following Hadith urges us to do good to our neighbors and guests. More importantly, it advises us on the right strategy for effective communication, that is to say only good or keep quiet.

Islamic Quotes on Helping Others

14- Taking Care of Orphans

There are many widows and orphans around us who are shy to seek help. As Muslims, we should make an effort to take care of these deserving members of our society as evidenced by the following Hadith.

Islamic quotes about helping others

15- Kindness Leads to an Increase in Faith

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) was a role model of kindness and helping others. Here he has advised us to be kind, especially towards our family members just the way he was to his family and friends.

Islamic quotes about helping others


Q. What does Islam teach about helping other through charity?

Charity is the third most significant Pillars of Islam. Not only is a person rewarded in this world but also gets enormous rewards in the hereafter. There are lots of Hadith and Quranic verses stressing the importance to help needy people in society. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) said “A charity is due for every joint in each person on every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity; a good word is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Q. What does the Quran say about treating others with kindness?

One of the Quranic verses about treating others with kindness is: “Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment” (Quran 5:2).

Q. How can you help someone in Islam?

There are numerous ways through which we can help others in Islam. Helping others is not only confined to financial means. Even giving a smile to someone is a Sunnah. Similarly, giving sincere advice or visiting the sick are ways to help others. Other ways are by initiating Salaam, making dua for people who know you and also those who don’t know you, tidying up for others, being kind to animals, giving charity etc.

Q. When Allah uses you to help others?

According to the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him), it’s evident that Allah rewards and helps the person helping. The Hadith is that Allah helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother. As Allah helps us in return for the favour we are doing for our needy brothers, it should be an honour for us that Allah has chosen us.


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