35 Islamic Quotes About Greed – Quran and Hadith on Greed

Islamic Quotes Greed. A strong selfish desire of having more and more of something, especially power, money and food is known as greed. It is so damaging that it can destroy everything in a man’s life and take away his power to succeed.

Islam promotes kindness and generosity and thus it stops people from being selfish and greedy. The greedy does not know when to stop, the only thing he or she cares about is acquiring as much fortune as possible. Greed can enslave a man so it is important to learn how to overcome it. Following are some of the Islamic quotes that emphasize on the negative effects of greed.

What Islam Says about Greed

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed

↓35 – Hadith on Greed

Greed is a destructive force that can harm a person in many ways. A man’s greed is more dangerous than two hungry wolves in a flock of sheep. Here are 50 Islamic Quotes about Success with Images.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓34 – Greed Is A Curse

Greed proves to be a curse because once a person has it, it stays with him forever. It becomes difficult to resist so it keeps growing with time.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓33 – Enslavement – Hazrat ALI SAYING ON GREED

Greed has the power to enslave a person. It takes over and then has absolute control over him.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓32 – Demolishing Habits

Habit is a routine practice that is repeated regularly and when greed becomes a habit, it is very difficult to give up.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓31 – Death; The Last Resort

Prophet (SAW) explained that only death can save a person who tastes greed.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓30 – Selfishness

Greed pushes a man to an extent where he becomes inhuman. It makes him forget about others and he starts collecting as much as possible for himself. Do have a look at these 50 Best Islamic Quotes About Namaz Prayers with Images.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓29 – Hadith About Greed of Money

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓28 – The Root Of All Evil

No one is born evil, there is always something that makes a person vicious. In this case, the reason of a person becoming socially unacceptable is ‘greed.’

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓27 – Punishment for Greed in Islam

Having a healthy lifestyle is be easy however greed destroys our ability to live peacefully.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓26 – Avarice Leads To Violence

Greed leads to many other harmful affects on human nature. It makes him violent which is strongly neglected by Islam.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓25 – The Quran on Greed

A person who is always running after unneeded excess of things can never be content with what he has. It makes him ungrateful because he believes he never has enough. Once he achieves a goal, he sets another one and this nature is not liked by Allah (SWT). Have a look at these 50 Inspirational Mufti Menk Quotes and Sayings with Images.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed

↓24 – Never Ending Desires

A person who starts craving more and more will never be satisfied. He will constantly want more than what he has.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓23 – Things That Stop From Rectification

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓22 – Greed Can Take Over Anything

It is not just money that can make a person greedy, it could be many things.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓21 – Generosity Leads To Happiness

When Allah gives you enough wealth, he is testing you.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓20 – Quranic Verse on Greed

RECOMMENDED: 40 Islamic Quotes about Sadness & How Islam Deals with Sadness.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed

↓19 – Takes Away Sagacity

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓18 – Dishonor To Islam

Someone who becomes fond of collecting fortune for himself only is a disgrace to Islam. He can live peacefully knowing that his brothers are facing difficulties whereas this is totally against what Islam teaches us.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓17 – The Final Destination

No matter how much wealth, power or food you collect in this world, it will not help you in your grave. All the worldly possessions will stay while you will be no more.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓16 – Why Do We Become Acquisitive?

Nothing happens without a reason. Every evil, every sin takes place because we put our faith in other things and not Allah (SWT).

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓15 – Victory Against Every Evil

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓14 – Deviation From The Right Path

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓13 – The Richest

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓12 – Champion Is The Non-Achiever

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed

↓11 – Having More Is Worse

‘The more the merrier’ is not always true.

35 Islamic Quotes About Greed - Quran and Hadith on Greed


↓10 – A Source Of Diversion

“Your rivalry in the accumulation of wealth diverts your minds.” (102:1 etc.) [Sunan Tirmidhi (Vol. 5 pg. 447) No. 3355]. Here are 50 Best Islamic Quotes on Women and Status in Islam.

↓9 – Captor Of Indignity

“A greedy person is a captor of humiliation, whose captivity does not cease” – Imam Ali (AS)

↓8 – You Are Bound!

Imam Ali A.S once said:

“Know with certainty that you cannot achieve your desire and cannot exceed your destined life. You are on the track of those before you”

↓7 – Compelled Towards Sinful Acts

“Refrain from greed for those who were before you perished as a result of greed. Greed commanded them to be stingy and they obeyed: it ordered them into alienation and they obeyed; and it commanded them to sin and they sinned.” Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

↓6 – Example From The Past

Amr bin Auf quoted that Prophet Muhammad  (SAW) said: “By Allah I do not fear poverty and starvation overtaking you, but I fear that you will have abundant wealth at your disposal as it had been at the disposal of the nations before you. You will then become extremely greedy in accumulating this wealth just as the previous nations had done. This (greed) will be the cause of your ruin and destruction just as it destroyed the people before you”. [al-Bukhari (3158) and Muslim (2961)]

↓5 – Need Becomes Greed

Umar (RA) was once reported saying that Prophet (SAW) said, “The believer eats in one intestine, while the disbeliever eats in seven intestines.’ [al-Bukhari (5393) and Muslim (2061)]

↓4 – Polluter

Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) is quoted as saying: “Greed pollutes the soul. corrupts religion and destroys youthfulness.”

↓3 – Blessings Upon Those Who Give

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Verily, Allah has people for whom he has assigned blessings to benefit his servants. He consolidates their blessings as long as they offer them to others. If they refuse to give them, he takes them away and directs them to others.” Source: Qaḍā’ al-Ḥawā’ij 5

↓2 – What Shows Is Not Real

Imam Ali was once reported saying : “It is best to submit and adhere to satisfaction and piety, and to relieve one’s self from covetousness and greed; for greed and covetousness are present poverty and submission and satisfaction are apparent wealth.”

↓1 – Brotherhood

Islam supports fraternity and brotherhood so it becomes obligatory for every Muslim to take care of his brother and do not become selfish. Allah said:

“The believers are but brothers, so make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy.”

Surat al-Hujurat 49:10


  1. Zoey Muhamed April 10, 2020
    • Zoona January 20, 2021
  2. Muhammad July 24, 2020
    • Zoona January 20, 2021

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