20 Yusuf Estes Quotes About Islam & Life as a Muslim

Yusuf Estes Quotes: American Muslim speaker and educator Yusuf Estes converted to Islam from Christianity. With references to the Quran and Islamic teachings, he attempts to explain Islam and its accurate message to the young, new Muslims, and others in plain English so that they may easily comprehend it.

Yusuf Estes is one of our time’s most dynamic and appealing speakers on Islam. His enlightened perspective and his personal story of becoming a Muslim have touched the lives of thousands of people. Check out these 20 famous quotes by Yusuf Estes and refresh your insight on Islam.

1 – Hope Quotes By Yusuf Estes

The following quote gives hope to anyone who finds themselves lost in hardships. Indeed, every hardship is resolved with consistent prayers.

Even the Holy Quran states in verse 20 of Surah Muzzammil, “And continue to perform regular prayers, pay alms-tax, and lend to Allah a good loan. Whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah far better and more rewarding. And seek Allah’s forgiveness. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

Yusuf Estes Quotes

I recommend you to visit Islamic Prayer Quotes to refresh your motivation for praying.

2 – Unique Quotes By Yusuf Estes

The unique quote portrays Yusuf Estes’ connection with his prior views, as well as how it has evolved and enhanced his relationship with Jesus. When we apply this saying to our life, we will discover that we can all connect to it in some manner.

Only through studying Islam, through the Holy Quran and Sunnah, do we learn how we are required to care for and love something or someone, namely by comprehending their rights and value in Islam.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

3 – Quotes On Beauty By Sheikh Yusuf Estes

A large majority believes that attaining physical beauty is the only definition of being “beautiful”, However, Yusuf Estes defines the term in a more graceful, eloquent, and practical manner. Truly, without a good character, the attraction of a beautiful face fades out.

See more on 6 Powerful Islamic Duas for Beauty & Noor on Face.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

4 – What Is Islam?

The following quote centers around the broad meaning of Islam which can also be derived from the prerequisites of the declaration of the Islamic faith. Before we become Muslim, we recite the first Kalma and the first part we state “Laa Illaha” (there is no illah).

That illah doesn’t have to be an entity, it can be your material items, some person or even your own desires which hence, enslave them. But, the next part states illallah” (but Allah) hence, confirming Yusuf Estes’ quote defining Islam as a broad term.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

5 – Allah Knows Everything About You

The following quote reminds us that Allah knows every single thing about us. No action, thought, or intention can be hidden from Him. This should prompt us to constantly monitor ourselves and seek forgiveness and protection for the thoughts and intentions that lead us to wrongful actions.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

6 – How To Choose Your Friends?

Human beings are social creatures; their need to belong and socialize often leads to settling with bad company. However, in this quote, he suggests surrounding ourselves with people who remind us of Allah to live a considerably happy life.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

7 – Yusuf Estes On The Key To Happiness

This quote by Yusuf Estes highlights the secret to happiness, i.e., being grateful of our existing blessings.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

8 – The Solution To All Problems

It is never easy to stand firm and remain positive when a tornado-like trial hits you. But, Yusuf Estes states that having patience and seeking forgiveness acts as a solution to every problem.

Gain better insight from these Quotes on Sabr.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

9 – Quotes By Yusuf Estes On The Purpose Of Life

People often go through existential crisis when they find their lives meaningless. The following quote explains that our purpose is to obey Allah in every situation of our lives.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

10 – Motivating Quotes

The following quote opens our eyes to be grateful for being a Muslim as Our Creator considered us worthy to earn a headstart towards Jannah.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

11 – Quote On Nafs

In the following quote, Yusuf Estes advises the believers to prioritize Allah’s Command over your desires.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

12 – Islamic Quote On Fairness

Islam focuses on being fair rather than being equal. This is because good and bad cannot be judged equally but must be dealt with fairness.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

13 – Allah Does Not Wrong Anyone

Allah has laid down all the “do’s and don’ts” of life in the Holy Quran. Hence, when we choose to become ignorant to such divine rules, we wrong ourselves.

Here’s a detailed post that will help you appreciate how Allah is the best planner.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

14 – The Greatness Of Islam

Every human is equal before Allah when it comes to monetary status and wordly power. However, in the Hereafter, the only way to raise your ranks is to by living your life as a true Believer.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

15 – Allah is Enough for Everyone

The following quote sheds light on the fact that anyone who relies on Allah, then Allah is enough for them.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

16 – Allah Knows What Is Best For Us

Allah is the All-Knowing and He only bestows what is best for us in the longer run.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

17 – Yusuf Estes Quote On Tawakkul

Tawakkul can be best explained by using the metaphor of planting a seed: you won’t see any development for weeks. But the seed is growing and connecting with the ground’s roots. Even if you can’t see any progress in your worldly matters, trust the process because Allah is in control of it.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

18 – Allah’s Perfect Timing

The quote elaborates on the fact that Allah is All-Wise in his actions, decisions, and puts the perfect pieces together at the perfect timing, which we cannot see as mere humans.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

19 – Quote On Fearing Allah

If you don’t have fear of Allah in your heart, then you’re going to fall into peer pressure. While a God-fearing person can distinguish between good and evil sternly.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

20 – Quote on Validity of Islam

In his lecture “Why the West Needs Islam”, Yusuf Estes explains how due to the divine character of Islamic traditions, we learn that Islam always provides some logic, practical application, and proof for every claim.

Yusuf Estes Quotes

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How did Yusuf Estes convert?

Yusuf Estes converted to Islam in 1991 after meeting a Muslim man in Egypt, initially, he was born Joseph Estes in 1944 and was raised as a Christian.

Q. Was Yusuf Estes a priest?

No, he was not a priest but in the 1990s, he worked as a Muslim chaplain for the US Bureau of Prisons. In September 2000, he attended the UN as a delegate to the World Peace Conference for Religious Leaders.

Q. Who is Yusuf Estes' wife?

In August 1941, Joseph Estes married Ruth Lois Burger.

Q. What was Yusuf Estes before converting to Islam?

He worked in the marketing, entertainment, and music industries. He was a music minister and also a music teacher. He was the owner of a number of musical instrument businesses.

Q. What is Sheikh Yusuf Estes' net worth?

His net worth is estimated at 4 million USD.