40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes – Abu Bakar Saddique R.A was born in Makkah in 573 A.D. His pedigree matched with that of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. He was his close companion and two to three years younger than him.

He was admired and famous for his pious and truthful characteristics. His honesty and truthfulness was renowned in his trading profession. So many peoples used to keep their possessions in his trust. He was the first adult to embraced Islam without giving a second thought to Hazrat Muhammad’s PBUH invitation to Islam. On the basis of his truthful character Hazrat Muhammad PBUH gave him the title of As-Siddiq (truthful and the most accurate in faith). When Allah directed Prophet PBUH to start migration , it was He, with whom Hazrat Muhammad PBUH wished to accompanied. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH and Hazrat Abu Bakr stayed in the “Cave of Thawr” for three days together. He often lead Salah in mosque as Imam in Hazrat Muhammad PBUH absence. He has honor of fighting all the battles with Prophet PBUH by standing side by side with him in each Gazwa. Dueto his great services for Islam He became the first Caliph of Muslims. For the first time compilation of Quran was done during his reign. He died at the age of 63 and is buried next to Hazrat Muhammad PPBUH.

Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A in the Light of Hadiths

The most merciful of my Ummah towards my Ummah is Abu Bakr. Tirmidhi

Abu-Bakr has favored me much with his property and company. If I were to take a Khalil (an intimate friend) from mankind I would certainly have taken Abu Bakr. Bukhari

 If the Eeman of Abu Bakr was put on one side of the scale and the eman of this entire Ummah on the other, Abu Bakr’s eman would have outweighed. At-Tirmidhi and Ahmad

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Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Sayings

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings  

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 Have an earnestness for death and you will have life.
40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Intentions count in your actions.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Co-operate with one another, and do not bare grudges of jealousy.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 A Man who is Shy and Modest, is An Amazing Character, but a Women who is Shy and Modest is Beyond Amazing.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Do not cut a fruit bearing tree.40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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There is no trouble in patience and there is no benefit in complaining.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Knowledge is the life of the mind. 40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah. 40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you. 40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Always fear Allah, like if only one person was to go to hell,it could be you. Never get disappointed from Allah, like if only one person was to go to Jannah, it could be you.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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To seek forgiveness in old age is good but to seek it when young is better.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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He who avoids complaint invites happiness.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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If you want to control other people, first control yourself.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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What earth will carry me and what sky will give me shade if i say about the Book of Allah a meaning that Allah did not intend.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Run away from greatness and greatness will  follow you.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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One of the worst sins are those that are taken lightly.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Our abode in this world is transitory, our life therein is but a loan, our breaths are numbered and our indolence is manifest.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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There is no harm in patience and no profit in lamentation. Death is easier to bear that which precedes it and more severe than that which comes after it. Remember the death of the apostle of God and your sorrow will be lessened.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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The true believer is rewarded in every thing, even in affliction.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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It is bad for a young man to sin; but it is worse for an old man to sin.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Use the same measure for selling that you use for purchasing.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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Do not deceive or be faithless even with your enemy.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 In the matter of justice, all should be equal in your eyes.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Do not get elated at any victory, for all such victory is subject to the will of God.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Pride in the case of a rich man is bad, but but pride in the case of a poor man is worse.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 He who boasts lowers himself.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 He who indulges in falsehood will find the paths of paradise shut to him.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Maybe a thing that you do not like is really in your interest. It is possible that a thing that you may desire may be against your interest.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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You should not quarrel with your neighbor, for he will remain where he is, but your high handedness will become the talk of the people.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Youth is not restored by the dyeing of your hair.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings  ↓ 3-

 He who prays  five times a day is in the protection of God, and he who is protected by God cannot be harmed by anyone.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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 Follow the way of life, which the Holy Prophet has shown you, for verily that is the right path.40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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He who builds a mosque in the way of Allah, God will build a house for him in the paradise.

40 Best Hazrat Abu Bakar Saddique R.A Quotes and Sayings

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  1. Ghulam Mustafa May 17, 2020

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