50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience

Islamic quotes about patience. Though this is a very easy to say that true Muslim shows the virtue of patience in all the walks and shades of life no matter how much worst and emotionally trigging the situation gets, yet this all becomes very difficult when we are required to do it practically in life.

One of the most favorite virtues of our Allah Almighty and His beloved Holy Prophet S.A.W is patience. On several occasions in Quran and Ahadees, the rewards and high ranks of the one who exhibits patience in even the worst of situations have been mentioned very clearly. As a Muslim, all we want is to gain the highest value in Allah’s eyes and in Jannah. For this, we should try to make all the possible efforts to act virtuously in this world.

What Islam Says About Patience

Since patience is one of the best virtues, we should try to display it no matter how much sad, angry, difficult, or trialing our life gets. Let us have a look at some of the most powerful Islamic quotes about patience.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience

↓ 50 – Saying Of Prophet(P.B.U.H) About Patience

Once Muhammad SAW was asked how many times are we to forgive our servant faults? He was silent. When the man asked for the third time, he said, “Forgive your servants seventy times a day”. So we have to be very patient. Also have a look at 50 Islamic Quotes About Lying with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 49 – The Best Combination

A man whose actions are grounded in by true knowledge and exhibits patience in everything will surely get great rewards from the God.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 48 – Key To Live A Contented Life

The secret of happiness is to accept where you are in life right-now and make the most out of it.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 47 – The Patience (As-Sabr)

We must be steadfast in our patience and trust God’s timings and believe that He will surely fulfill all of His promises to us.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 46 – Self Control-Feature Of A strong Man

It is the attribute of a strong man to forgive and let things go. He has the real power to say sorry and control his wrath.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 45 – Make Special Dua For Patience

Put your heart in dua..Put your trust in Allah..And put yourself in patience mode! Here are 50 Islamic Quotes on Parents with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 44– Prophet’s Infinite Patience

Hazrat Muhammad SAW was a mountain of patience. Though he faced all forms of desecration, lost His loved ones in the early stage of life, bear the most brutal persecution from his own people but remained gentle and forgiving even towards his worse enemies.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 43 – Gracious Patience

Noman Ali Khan once said:” If we were truly the People of Aamdulilah,we wouldn’t find the time,motivation or energy to complain.”

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 42 – A verse of Quran

Patience brings reward!!

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 41 – The Patient One Always Smiles

If you display patience, your heart will automatically feel contented no matter how worst the situation gets and this will be reflected on your face in the form of a bright smile.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 40 – Stay Positive!

No matter how much broken your heart is, try to fill it with positivity and believe that Allah is always with you. Do have a look at these 50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 39 – Don’t Lose Hope Ever.

Maybe what your future holds for you is much better than what you wish for. Stay positive and keep on praying.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 38 – Ask Allah for everything.

A true Muslim knows that Duas hold power to change his or her destiny totally, so we should make Duas and wait for the right time for our Duas to be answered.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 37 – The Beauty Of Life.

Patience will make your life extremly beautiful and bright. All you need to do is a little sabr and you will see the pleasing change in yout life yourself.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 36 – Do Not Compare Your Life With Others.

Even if everyone is getting what you are praying for, you should not lose hope, be patient and that thing will be brought to you on the right time.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 35 – Patience is what you need during difficult times.

A true Muslim is the one who shows patience in the most difficult times, this is what shows his strength of Faith. Here are 50 Best Islamic Quotes about Marriage.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 34 – Allah is the Most Patient.

Indeed Allah is always the most Patient with His people.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 33 – Do Not Complain.

Do not even curse your destiny, stay patient.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 32 – Patience is the source of living for a Believer.

Patience is a food for the soul.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 31 – Showing Patience During Sickness.

The reward of showing patience in illness is unimaginable.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 30 – Difficulty is turned into Ease.

Allah turns difficulty into ease for those who show patience. Do go through these 50 Best Islamic Quotes on Life with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 29 – Redha is the highest reward of patience.

Redha is the utmost internal peace, which is the best reward of Patience.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 28 – Staying Patient for Longest Periods.

This virtue can only be shown by the most beloved people of Allah.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 27 – Patience Elevates the Status of Believer.

The deepest is your patience, the highest will be your rank in Jannah.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 26 – Be a King With Patience.

Patience will make you even the weakest one the most powerful.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 25 – Your Trials and Tribulations are Decided by Allah and He Will Surely Make A Way Out.

He will never test you beyond your limits. RECOMMENDED: 50 Islamic Quotes on Women Rights.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 24 – Quranic Ayat About Patience

Prophet S.A.W and His companions won in the battlefields only because of patience.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 23 – Patience in Islam Quote

If you face situations the test your patience, be thankful.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 22 – No Patience means you have no Faith.

A Muslim is the one who has patience, one without patience has no faith.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 21 – Patience is the Hall Mark of Faith.

Patience will always lead you to the road of pure Faith.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 20 – Patience requires a long time to be established.

Keep on working to control your emotions, until you feel that patience is now incorporated into your veins.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 19 – Patience in Forgiveness

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 18 – Stay Patient, Stay Calm

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 17 – Patience in Anger

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 16 – Islamic Dua for Patience

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  via

↓ 15 – What Allah Commands

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  via 

↓ 14 – Be Patient with Yourself

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  via

↓ 13 – Patience is in the Attitude

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 12 – Imam Ali’s Saying on Patience

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 11 – Allah is with the Patient Ones

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 10 – Find Patience in Prayer50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 9 – The Comapnion’s Sayings on Patience

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 8 – Patience in Islam Quran

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 7 – The Best Quality of Sabur

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 6 – Patience and the Islamic Faith

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 5 – Remember His Promis

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  


↓ 4 – Achieve Greatness with Patience

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience  via

↓ 3 – Patience in Islam – Story From the Quran

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience

↓ 2 – Beautiful Hadith on Patience in Allah’s Tests

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience

↓ 1 – Meaning of Sabr in Islam

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience


50 Best Islamic Quotes About Patience



  1. Muhammad Imtiaz June 24, 2021
    • Zoona June 29, 2021

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