50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images

Islamic quotes about hijab. Hijab, headscarf and some other names are used in different traditions and the wearing style also differs with the change in traditions. Yet the main purpose of Hijab is to cover the beauty, the beauty which attracts others.

Hijab also gives decency and mentions dress code for women. The objective of wearing hijab is to hide the beauty inside, so it does not make any sense to use ornaments clothes for this rationale. use the simple stuff with a simple way so you become able to show the real picture of modesty.

What Does Islam Say About Hijab

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images

Is Hijab Compulsory in Islam? Everything You Need to know About Hijab

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓  1- Eyes: The door of Fitnah

In this superficial life, where everything appears as tempting and being the part of that society, everyone is enjoying it. but the Muslim women are so special. they are not here for staring. Therefore after ordering men “to lower your gaze”, he orders women “to cover yourself”.  You should not be the reason for anyone to be sinful. Here are 50 Islamic Quotes About Lying with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images

50 Best Quotes About Love in Islam

↓ 2- Mobile case vs Hijab:

Just imagine you buy a brand new I-phone X, what will you do just after that? a mirror selfie or purchasing of its accessories? obviously accessories i.e. phone protector, mobile cover. Your body is more important than this 95000 cell phone. Cover your body before protecting your phone.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 3- The Brand of brands:

There is a competition among society members in wearing the best and expensive outfit of the renowned brand. Everyone is utilizing hours and hours in finding such stuff. But you know, there is a brand created by GOD and he says it “the best”. it is “Taqwaa”. When you enter in Taqwaa zone, you become free from this brand race.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 4- Hijab is an Alarm:

Since the media is free and internet facility is available to every youngster, they all try to act like fictional characters. but when any girl adopts hijab in your dress code, she eliminates herself from this fictional world. Because  Hijab is a caution for other gender persons.They respect the female who covers herself.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓  5- Hijab is a jewel:

When a girl becomes hijabi, it’s mean she is obeying Allah’s order, and when she does this, she gets feminine respect too. Hijab is a jewelry which decorates the girls and makes them Princess; the lady of ladies. Also have a look at these 50 Islamic Quotes on Parents with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 6- Hijab is mandatory:

Do you know why Muslim girls wear it? Why they protect themselves? Why they hide their Beauty? Why they hide their appearance? As it is the order of ALLAH given in the Holy Quran in different verses of Surah Al-Noor, Surah-Al-Ehzaab etc. Also by his last messenger, in Hadith.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 7- Human Rights:

When UNO discusses Human Rights, it gives independence to all basic needs of the human. Therefore it is the right of Muslim Girl to wear it. as gives them a recognition.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 8- Be different:

To look elegant, decent, and respectable, Hijab is the best remedy; the undercoated hijab. These are the signs of the Muslim girls mentioned in the picture below.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 9- Hijab is not for Women:

Shocked after seeing the title? But it’s true. hijab is not compulsory for women. It is mandatory for all both genders. When ALLAH talks about Hijab of female, before that he talks about rules for men. He instructs men to lower their gaze, not to stare another gender. After that, there are principles of hijab.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 10- The couple rule:

When any one of us loves someone, he/she become so possessive. They are so concerned about their loved ones, their partners. And Allah knows their nature, so he made hijab rule so the female creature could show their beauty, to their partners only. The same rule is implied for men too. Do have a look at 50 Best Islamic Quotes about Marriage.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 11- Boost up Confidence:

Many people consider Hijab is the sign of weakness, poverty. They portray as if it is least important thing. The point is Hijab gives you satisfaction, it provides you confidence, it makes you modest, it gives you power, it gives you respect and above all it gives you love, the love of ALLAH.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 12- What Hadith says about Hijab.

After Quran, hadith is the source of guidance, where Sahih Bukhari is the renowned name. The given picture is showing the two hadiths which prove not only Holy Prophet’s wives did veil but sahabiat also did it even in festivals.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 13- Follow the Hijab Criteria:

Allah S.W.T gave a set of parameters for wearing hijab. The Hijab should not be transparent, should cover the body, not colorful and eye-catching, not revealing figure.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 14- Hijab and Jilbab:

There is a difference in Hijab and veil (jilbab). Hijab is covering the head and covering the body, while jilbab is the cover of the face along with head and body. In the following Hadith, the procedure of jilbab is mentioned.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 15- Sahabiat’s role in hijab:

When the verses of Hijab came, the sahabiat covered their bodies with thick cloth immediately. Afterwards no women came out of home without hijab. The hijab is part of daily routine, festivals and even it is added in Ihram too. Don’t miss out these 50 Best Islamic Quotes on Life with Images.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 16- The desire of Hazrat Umer R.A:

Yes, he is the sahabi who is known as Brave Conqueror. The Hadith words say that due to male nature, he was so possessive and he always desired eagerly that the verse of Hijab may be revealed. Once the Holy Prophet said to him, because of you, Allah revealed this Ayah.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  



↓ 17- Hijab is an ornament:

Hijab is a jewel:
When a girl does hijab, it’s mean she is obeying Allah’s verse, and when she does this, she gets respect of people and love of ALLAH. Like other ornaments, Hijab is a jewelry which decorates the girls and makes them Princess; the lady of ladies.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 18- Hijab is for men:

ALLAH revealed hijab ayahs for both genders, it is not the order for women only.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓ 19- Hijab is a protection:

Like Thorns gives protection to flowers, same hijab does.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓20- The Hijabi friend:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓21- Is hijab hides my qualities?

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓22- Precious things are covered only:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓23- The choice of Hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓24- Hijab is basic need:50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓25- Hijab protects from Fitnah:

Here are 50 Islamic Quotes on Women Rights.

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  



↓26- Comparison of Hijabi with Non-Hijabi:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓27- Hijab provides a recognition:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓28- The message is Surah Al-ehzab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓29. Use simple hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓30. The modest attribute:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓31. Women are precious:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓32. Hazrat Fatima and Hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓33. Hijab is an evergreen Fashion:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓34. Hijab is a compulsion:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓35. Hijab minimizes staring eyes:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓36. The identity of my body is Hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓37. Hijab is not a sign of oppression:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓38. Hijabis are princess:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓39. Hijab in Quran:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓40. Sign of Moral Character is Hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓41. Hijab Quote by Mufti Menk:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓42. Hijab saves your beauty:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓43. Hijab in light of Hadiath:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓44. Hijab is not a piece of cloth:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓45. Hijab saves Muslimah from evil eyes:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓46. Hijab is a topic of Quran:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓47. Hijab is message of Allah:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓48. Hijab is necessary:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓49. Hijab is for noble:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  


↓50- Quranic Ayat on Hijab:

50 Best Islamic Quotes About Hijab with Images  



  1. himansu nayak January 10, 2020
  2. Zahra October 3, 2020
    • Zoona January 20, 2021
  3. Online Quran Academy August 17, 2021
    • Zoona September 14, 2021
  4. Shayari Adda February 6, 2024

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