35 Best Islamic & Motivational Quotes By Bilal Philips

Islamic Quotes By Bilal Philips. Dr. Bilal Philips is a Jamaican born Canadian Muslim who is also one of the most celebrated Islamic scholars of all times. He is the founder of ‘Islamic Online University’ and ‘Center for Islamic Information and Education’ offering free short courses that provide accurate information about Islamic beliefs, customs and history to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Dr. Bilal Phillips wishes to expand the religion of Islam by bringing in more Muslims to the Muslim community. He teaches Muslims that their lives should revolve around Islam because this is the only thing that can take them to Jannah; the dream of every Muslim.

How Bilal Phillips Motivates Muslims

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (1)

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (2)

↓1 – Allah (SWT) Does Not Burden A Soul

Allah has tailor made the test for each and every one of us and none of us will be given something which we can’t bear. I am given something that I can bear and you are given something that YOU can bear. The tests won’t be the same for you and me. This is why suicide is the a great wrong because by suicide you’re basically declaring, ‘Oh Allah this is too much, I can’t take it anymore!

-Dr. Bilal Philips

We also recommend you to have a look at these Top 15 Islamic Books Every Muslim Should Read in 2019.

bilal phillips islamic quotes

↓2 – Righteousness

“Every time you give up something for the sake of Allah, He will keep replacing it with something better. Make decisions the right way.”

-Dr. Bilal Philips

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↓3 – Correct Your Intentions

“Be careful about your intentions. Correct them if they are wrong. Always remember that our deeds are rewarded according to our intentions behind them. So try to do everything with Allah and the teachings of Islam in mind.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

islamic quotes by bilal phillips

↓4 – Praise Allah (SWT) For Every Success

“The next time you feel proud when someone praises you for your amazing work, be it in whichever field, remember the source of the blessing. Remember that even if you worked hard for it, if Allah hadn’t beautified it in the eyes of the people, your work would have never been recognized at all. So at every step, remember to be grateful for Allah likes the ones who are humble and grateful.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

bilal phillips quotes

↓5 – Never Forget Your Final Destination

“..every soul shall taste death.” – Quran(21:35)

By referring to this verse of the Quran, he says “No matter how pretty your face is, you will still be the food of worms. So set aside your arrogance and remember your grave.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓6 – Dua For Broken Hearts

“May Allah heal the broken hearts. The ones who are silent, who cannot express their pain. The ones who are tired of torment. The ones who need a break. May Allah put an end to your sadness, may He put a smile on your face.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓7 – Bilal Philips Love Quotes

“A wife and a husband should be regarded as friends for the sake of Allah (SWT). And that friendship is above material needs; each encouraging the other one to do good deeds, which are pleasing to Allah (SWT).”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

“If you feel that you are lonely and are on the lookout for the ultimate friend, then perhaps you have never communicated with Allah enough. Because if you poured your heart to Him, if you obeyed Him, if you trusted Him, if you knew that He is always there for you, if you turned to Him always for His help, His guidance, His care, His mercy, His barakah, you would never feel alone. Make it a habit to converse with Him. Vocalize your thoughts to Him, though He already knows and sees all. Make a start in these last few nights of Ramadan and let it mark the beginning of an ultimate connection with your Master.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓9 – Be Steadfast

“Don’t panic and lose hope even if there’s a mountain in your path walk to the One who created the mountains.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓10 – Trust Allah (SWT)

“If Allah has written for you happiness, no one can steal that from you, and if He has written for your heart to break, then no one can mend in but He, so always put your trust in Allah.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips. Here are 35 Inspirational Islamic Quotes & Sayings By Nouman Ali Khan.

bilal phillips quotes

↓11 – Accept The Reality Of Life

“The only way to stop any pain in your life is to accept the fact that nothing is yours, nothing was yours, and nothing will ever be yours. They are worldly attachments; given by Allah, belonging to Allah and returning back to Allah.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓12 – Allah (SWT) Is Enough

“Why worry when have Allah with you?!

He is there for you all the time,
He is your constant companion,
He knows what you’re going through,
He knows those feelings you’ve struggled so hard to put to words,
He understands your tears when everyone else is wondering what the matter is,
He knows the constriction in your heart,
the uneasiness in your soul and He *can* bring you out of it and make things easy,
but only if you seek His help and trust Him.

Unfortunately, man is too busy looking at closed doors rather than focusing on the ones that are wide open.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

islamic quotes by bilal phillips

↓13 – Never Delay Your Prayer

“Salah is the first thing you will be questioned about, so do not make it the last thing on your mind.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

islamic quotes by bilal phillips

↓14 – Be Thankful To Allah (SWT)

“We need to bring sujood as shukr back into our lives.When people come to me and tell me they’re depressed, I tell them to make sujood as shukr. To think about something good which Allah has done in your life and make sujood as shukr. Give thanks to Allah for it – because that’s what’s missing.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓15 – Please Allah (SWT)

“Busy yourself with what is pleasing to Allah, or Satan will busy you with what displeases Him. Blessed are those, [who are] busy worrying about their Akhirah.”

– Dr. Bilal Philips

↓16 – Allah (SWT) Knows What’s Best

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (22)


↓17 – Dr Bilal Philips On Marriage

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (21)


islamic quotes by bilal phillips

↓18 – Allah (SWT) Loves The Most

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (20)


↓19 – Genuineness

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (19)


↓20 – Allah (SWT) Is The Best Listener

Do have a look at these 25 Beautiful Thanking Allah Quotes & Alhamdulillah Quotes.

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (18)


↓21 – Never Hurt Anyone

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (17)


↓22 – Bilal Philips Twitter

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (16)


↓23 – PatienceInspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (15)


↓24 – Dr Bilal Philips Quotes Tumblr

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (14)


↓25 – Dr Bilal Philips Quotes Pinterest

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (13)


↓26 – Islamic Dua Quotes In English

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (12)


↓27 – Allah (SWT) Is The Most Merciful

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (11)


↓28 – Please Your Creator

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (10)


↓29 – Allah (SWT) Is Generous

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (9)


↓30 – Bilal Philips Quotes For Couples

Here are 100+ Islamic Marriage Quotes For Husband and Wife.

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (8)


↓31 – Always Be Grateful

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (7)


↓32 – Islamic Quotes By Bilal Philips

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (6)


↓33 – Choose Your Friends Wisely

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (5)


↓34 – Be Positive

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (4)


↓35 – Be Morally Correct

Inspiring Quotes By Bilal Philips (3)


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