37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With

Quotes by Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali, a great boxer, an aspirational activist and an aspiring philanthropist, has motivated the people with his sayings and quotes for quite a long time. Being one of the most widely known sports figures of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali has inspired the youngsters through his quotes a lot.

Some of his great sayings have actually been quite advantageous for both teenagers as well as adults. We have compiled a list of 37 Muhammad Ali’s inspirational quotes for you to read.

                                 The Best Muhammad Ali Quotes For Muslims

There are several reasons why reading inspiring quotes can totally have a positive impact on your life. Here’s how:

  • Motivate you to struggle hard.
  • Help you cope with hurdles in life
  • Inspire you to take an initiative
  • Teaching you things not even tutors and schools can.

We’re sure that all the quotes below will strengthen your love for Islam as well as your admiration for Mohammad Ali’s personality and character.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With

↓ 37 – Muhammad Ali On Belief

Every achievement in life starts with belief. A job as small as getting an assignment done, and as big as becoming a world champion, requires a basic understanding of the possibility that it can be done. A rather stronger version is, of course, the belief, without which no achievement can ever take place.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 36 – Service Is Obligatory

We grow up by literally utilizing the resources of the entire world. Our parents, relatives, our society, even the food we eat, all contribute to who we become. Thus, it is necessary to give something back.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 35 – A Desire, A Dream, A Vision!

Every action underlies a purpose. Having a clear purpose behind our day to day activities is the key to reach our desired goals.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 34 – Always Dream Big

A man is as big as his dreams. The notion of a dream being scary means our goals should continuously force us to leave our comfort zone.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 33 – Fake It Until You Make it

According to status-enhancement theory, people gain influence by acting dominant and confident even if they aren’t confident truly. So the next time you feel shaky, act out confidence.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 32 – Only Allah Can Help You

For physical Strength we need food. For spiritual Strength we need Allah. By regularly giving some portion 0f our day to Prayer and Recitations we can gain spiritual strength and perform better in our lives.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 31 – Muhammad Ali On Resilience 

What you sow, so shall you reap! If you work hard today, you will get the reward tomorrow. God is not unjust to reward you for nothing. Thus, hard work is the key.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 30 – No Pain, No Gain

When something is too easy it is usually not followed by much reward. It is only that a person tolerates difficulties when he can actually achieve what he wants.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 29 – Time Is Precious

The most precious thing in this world is Faith, as right after death we will be inquired about out faith. The Second most important thing is time, as right after the resurrection, we will be asked about how we spent our age. Here are 28 Best Islamic Quotes About Time & The Importance of Time in Islam.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 28 – “Impossible Is Nothing”

The very word says “I am Possible”

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 27 – Think Positive

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 26 – Your Passion Gives You Freedom

The only person we should be listening to is our heart.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 25 – The Ultimate Purpose Is To Serve Allah

Whether you offer an obligatory prayer or you spend time at work, remember Allah!

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 24 – Try, Try Again!

Success matters, no matter how slow it comes. Slow and steady wins the race.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 23 – Negative Self-Talk Should Be Avoided

In psychology, this concept is called self-fulfilling prophecy. What you say to yourself becomes directly or indirectly true. So always think positive.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 22 – Fortune Favors The Brave

Only if we push the limits of our comfort zone will we achieve anything valuable.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 21 – Stagnation Is Death

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 20 – About Admitting Our Own Flaws

One must persistently try to discover flaws in oneself. Self-accountability holds a key value among Companions of the Prophet (SAW).

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 19 – Without Rules, We Live With The Animals

One must not bend the rules according to the situation, rather change or avoid the situation to follow important personal and religious rules and values.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 18 – Fly With Muhammad Ali

The imagination of the person who climbs mount Everest is as strong as a mountain. Imagination is the key to all success.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 17 – Teach By Example

Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  



↓ 16 – Standing For What Is Right

The very basic component of any achievement is that whether is is morally correct. Even thieves have money, but that is not an achievement.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 15 – The Importance Of Commitment

Beware! the biggest obstacle between you and your success lies between your two ears.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 14 – Success Is A Matter Of Choice

Try one more time, you may succeed. Here are 50 Islamic Quotes about Success with Images.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 13 – Muhammad Ali On Practicality

The best way to get things done is to get out of the coffee shop and get to work.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 12 – Taking Initiative

You can not finish what you haven’t started.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 11 – You Are Worthy

Underestimation of yourself kills all the talents and wastes the potentials.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 10 – Importance Of Failure 

Mistakes are valuable opportunities to learn. The greater are the mistakes, the greater is learning.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 9 – Challenge Your Rivals

Once a person challenges others, the pressure compels the person to perform. Hold yourself accountable before others as well as yourself.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 8A Valuable Lesson

This is a great way to increase productivity.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 7 – Make Things Happen

Reassurance from yourself helps a lot in task completion.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 6 – It’s Never Too Old To Try

Age is just a number that cannot define our capacities.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 5 – The Power Of Self Belief

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 4 – About Friendship

Good friends are hard to come by, and it is important to stick along. Here are 40 Best Islamic Quotes on Friendship & The Value of Friendship.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 3 – About Life Skills

Muhammad Ali said these words before a famous fight, highlighting the importance of skills that are needed for a particular job.

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


↓ 2 – “I Have Never Regretted My Silence” – Umar Bin Khattab (RA)

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With  


↓ 1 – Be Invincible, Be MAD!

Imagine the degree of confidence and motivation Muhammad Ali had when he said this. You can do Anything you wish!

37 Muhammad Ali Quotes That Every Muslim Can Take Heart With


Those were our thirty-seven highly inspiring quotes from the greatest heavyweight champion of all times. We would love to know which of these is your favorite one.


  1. imdad February 2, 2022

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