10 Famous Muslim Humanitarians And Their Exemplary Services

Famous Muslim Humanitarians: One of the guiding principles of the Muslim faith is serving humanity. Giving money or assisting someone in need is not something that a believer may do at their discretion; rather, it is a duty, much like praying, fasting during Ramadan, and making the journey to Mecca.

Being responsible, aware of the situations in which other people live, and assisting them according to their needs without making any distinctions is necessary for becoming a humanitarian in its true meaning.

The Greatest Muslim Humanitarians Ever

Humanitarianism is the active conviction in the worth of human life, to act kindly toward one another and help others out of moral, humanitarian, and emotional motives in order to lessen suffering and improve situations for all people.

The following Muslim humanitarians dedicated their lives to serving or protecting the less fortunate and people in need for the sake of Allah.

1 – Mohamed ElBaradei

This Egyptian is renowned for his contributions to preventing the exploitation of nuclear energy and ensuring that it is only used for peaceful purposes. Moreover, Mohamed ElBaradei is renowned for speaking out against the Mubarak government in Egypt.

He was also elected as the interim vice president for Egypt. He shared a Nobel Peace Prize with IAEA for their efforts in ensuring that nuclear energy is used in the most safe and peaceful manner.

Famous Muslim Humanitarians

2 – Dr. Shirin Ebadi

Dr. Shirin Ebadi is renowned for her work to advance the rights of women, children, and political prisoners in Iran. She was one of the country’s first female judges. Despite being stripped of her Chief Justice title during the Islamic Revolution, she fought back to a position where she could stand up for others’ rights. She graduated from law school, started her own private practice, and started a movement to remove legal discrimination against women in Iranian law. Additionally, Dr. Shirin Ebadi founded the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran and is an Iranian political activist, lawyer, former judge, and human rights, advocate.

Famous Muslim Humanitarians

3 – Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe

Somalian physician and human rights advocate Hawa Abdi Dhiblawe. She was the non-profit organization’s founder and chairwoman of the Dr. Hawa Abdi Foundation. To Somalis worldwide, she was affectionately known as Mama Hawa. Furthermore, Dr. Hawa Abdi has supported the most helpless victims of the Somali civil conflict for more than 20 years. She will be remembered for her tremendous services to mankind and her many successes.

Famous Muslim Humanitarians

For more inspiration take a look at these Hazrat Ayesha Quotes That We Can All Learn a Lot From.

4 – Abdul Sattar Edhi

The Edhi Foundation, founded by Pakistani philanthropist and humanitarian Abdus Sattar Edhi, is responsible for managing the largest volunteer ambulance network in the world and several homeless shelters, animal shelters, treatment centers, and orphanages all throughout Pakistan.

Famous Muslim Humanitarians

5 – Tawakkol Karman

Another remarkable young woman who has persisted in the face of abuse is Tawakkol. She is renowned for fighting for women’s rights in Yemen and securing women’s protection using peaceful means. Tawakkol’s voice became a familiar one over the loudspeaker at Yemen’s Change Square during the early stages of the Arab Spring, as she pushed Yemeni youth to speak out against violations of human rights. She is often regarded as the “Mother of the Revolution” and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.

Muslim Humanitarians

Learn more about Spiritual Role of Muslim Women who Inspired Islam.

6 – Malcolm X aka Malik el-Shabazz

He was a well-known human rights advocate and African-American Muslim cleric who was active in the civil rights struggle. He served as the Nation of Islam’s spokesperson up until 1964 and was a vociferous supporter of Black liberation and the spread of Islam among Black people. 

Muslim Humanitarians

7 – Manal al-Sharif

An advocate for Saudi women’s rights, Manal al-Sharif, helped launch a campaign for the freedom to drive in 2011. As part of the campaign, Wajeha al-Huwaider captured al-Sharif operating a vehicle. Facebook and YouTube both featured the video. On May 21, 2011, Al-Sharif was taken into custody, released, and then imprisoned once more the next day.

Muslim Humanitarians

8 – Adel Termos

Termos bravely fought off the suicide bomber in Beirut before he could enter a packed mosque. Termos not only saved a number of lives that day, but he also conveyed a very strong statement that mankind would not submit to violence. He will always be regarded as a hero, and his efforts to safeguard other people’s friends and families will always be appreciated.

Muslim Humanitarians

9 – Dr. Hany El-Banna

The largest Muslim relief and development NGO,  “Islamic Relief” was co-founded by Hany Abdel Gawad El-Banna in 1984. We are a policy pioneer in the field of Islamic humanitarianism, creating unique and workable solutions to the major problems plaguing the world today, such as forced migration, climate change, gender justice, peacebuilding, and child protection services.

Muslim Humanitarians

10 – Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai first earned recognition for her early advocacy against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan bans on girls’ education. Due to her activism, she was shot in the head by Pashtun extremists on her way back home from school. She contributed to the British Broadcasting Corporation’s blog and television programming.

Muslim Humanitarians

Be inspired to bring change and take a look at these Islamic Quotes on Courage, Bravery & Fearlessness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are humanitarian services in Islam?

According to the Quran, believers have been sent for the development of mankind by encouraging what is good and prohibiting what is bad.

Q. Who is the No 1 Muslim scholar in the world?

In a survey to identify the top 100 intellectuals, Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Islamic professor, was chosen as the world’s greatest Muslim scholar.

Q. How do Muslims help charity?

Apart from donating food and clothes, Muslims either give charity in the form of Zakat or Sadaqa.

Q. What are humanitarian concerns?

An incident that puts the health, safety or well-being of a sizable population in danger is regarded as a humanitarian crisis. War, natural catastrophes, starvation, and the spread of disease are all potential causes of humanitarian crises and hence, are humanitarian concerns.

Q. How do you become a humanitarian?

In order to be a humanitarian, you must exhibit tolerance, cultural awareness, and generosity in order to be an effective humanitarian. You can start by trying to improve the world around you, and focus on what your community can get from your effort rather than what you can gain in return.

One Response

  1. Abdul-Haffiz October 9, 2022

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