Ya Allah Quotes: Supplication or Duaá is the most tried and tested form of asking something from Allah SWT. Duaá is an essential part of our worship that we should not miss out on. People who understand the power of duaá will take it very seriously.
Dua is the weapon of the believer; there is nothing else that can directly and regularly shield, protect and arm us against the trials and tribulations of this life other than duaá.

The Messenger of Allah said:

Why Do We Have To Make Duaá?
It is a common misunderstanding that we should make duaá only when we are in distress and in dire need of help. When we have exhausted all our worldly resources. People often think what is the point of making duaá when everything is already decreed.
What people don’t understand is that some things might be destined for you only through duaá to Allah SWT, maybe that is the reason you aren’t able to achieve it because duaá is the added element other than your efforts to seal the deal.
We should make duaá to Allah more often not just after the five salah. Here is our detailed guide on the 11 Best Times to Make Dua For Highest Chances of Acceptance and How To Get Your Duas Answered? 10 Tips For Acceptance Of Dua

Significance of Ya Allah
O, Allah! translates to Ya Allah in Arabic. It means Allah is Al-Ism Al-A’zam, the Greatest name which contains all the divine attributes and is the sign of the essence and cause of all existence. Allah SWT does not resemble in any way any of His creations.

What is meant by Ism e Azam?
It is the greatest name of Allah SWT, Allah is Allah’s SWT name only. Nothing else can assume this name or share it. When a person uses this name to supplicate, it adds more weightage to the duaá. When we need help or need some kind of motivation we call out to Him, Ya Allah help me. or Ya Allah what do I do?
It is mentioned in the Quran:

While making duaá people forget that Allah SWT is always close to us, there is no need to make duaá loudly. This not only applies to us when we are alone but also when we are in a mosque, we shouldn’t forget this act can disturb others. As Allah SWT says:

Ya Allah Quotes And Duaás
Now we have understood the etiquettes and conditions that are set before we sit down for duaá’. As mentioned before duaá isn’t just reserved for hard times. It is a direct conversation with Allah SWT, our first instinct when we have a series of unanswered duas is to stop praying.
You may still be offering your daily salah, but you will no longer feel the need to ask Allah SWT for anything because you already assumed that He doesn’t listen to you. This is all Shaitan’s ploy to keep you away from Allah SWT because making countless duaás is strengthening your bond with Allah SWT. When Allah SWT Himself has declared:

Always remember one thing when supplicating to Allah SWT, He is the Lord of the universe. He doesn’t need resources to grant your duaá, He doesn’t need conditions, His treasure won’t fall short even if He grants every person their every single duaá. With this belief make duaá to Allah SWT. We have a collection of duas for teaching kids here.
Also with Ramadan here there are several supplications, we can present before Allah SWT.
1 – Drawing Closer To Allah SWT

2 – Shower Us With Blessings

3 – Help Us Cultivate Good Habits

4 – Yearning For More Ramdans To Come

5 – Acceptance Of Fasts

6 – Forgiveness

7 – Remembrance Of Allah
Dhikr is the ultimate element that will provide us the peace and calm we look for all our lives. You can read all about dhikr here.

8 – Pray For Humility

9 – Pray For A Soft Heart

10 – Pray For Help In Every Situation

11 – Pray For Sabr

12 – Strengthen Your Emaan

13 – Control Anger

14 – Help Us Control Our Tongue

15 – Death When We Are Ready

16 – Protect My Heart

17 – Health

18 – Day Of Judgement

19 – Provide Us From What Is Halal

20 – Love Of Akhirah

21 – Be Thankful For What We Have

22 – Pray For Independence

23 – Hate What Is Wrong

24 – Pray For Your Parents

25 – Pray For Guidance Along The Path Of Allah SWT

26 – Make Us From Who People Would Want To Meet

27 – Pray For Being The Optimist

28 – My Worship Is Not Up To Par

29 – Strength and Wealth

30 – Humility And Dignity

31 – Pray For Parents In Their Old Age

32 – Leaving Sins Behind

33 – Help Me With My Decisions

34 – Help Me Accept All That Is Decreed For Me

35 – Paradise

36 – Difference Between The Right And Wrong

37 – Seek Refuge

38 – Show Me All That Is True

39 – Make Us Fear Allah’s SWT Anger

40 – Make Quran Our Beacon

41 – Pray For Positive Emotions

42 – Pray The Ummah

43 – Protection From Evil Eyes

44 – Pray For The People You Love

45 – Your Partner And Children

46 – Increase In Knowledge

47 – Nothing Is Impossible

48 – All Those Who Have Passed Away

49- Thank Allah

50 – Allah’s Pleasure Forever

May Allah grant all our dua’s Ameen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I have been continuously been making dua, but it isn't being answered, why is it taking so long and what am I doing wrong?
Ans. It is always beneficial to not panic or get sad and impatient if your duas are delayed. Allah SWT knows best when to answer your dua. Maybe Allah SWT is testing your patience. There is no fixed time when your dua will be accepted. Maybe Allah SWT won’t give you what you asked for instead He might bless you with something better.
Q. How can I ensure that my dua will be accepted?
Ans. You have to ensure that you follow all the etiquettes of dua, keeping in mind the times the dua is accepted, make sure not to make dua out of anger for anyone, and make constant Astaghfar.
Q. Will Allah SWT accept my dua if I don't pray?
Ans. Salah is a mandatory form of worship; leaving it will do no good, one of the times of the acceptance of dua is after the 5 Salahs. Consciously leaving prays will increase Allah’s displeasure and we don’t want that when we have dua’s to be answered. Still never be disheartened and keep making dua.
Q. How do I start and end my dua?
Ans. Always start and end your dua by sending salutations to the Messenger of Allah PBUH.