May Allah Bless You Quotes for Muslims (With Pictures)

May Allah Bless You Quotes:

A friend just got married.

A colleague just landed the position that could make her career.

A relative is blessed with a baby.

Celebrating someone’s happiness is very easy when everything is going well. It is when destiny throws us curve balls we tend to dish out negativity. The good news is we can genuinely be happy for someone even if we are not where we want to be. But the question arises, how?

may allah bless you quotes

How to Say May Allah Bless You?

One may wonder how to process two different kinds of emotions at the same time, experiencing grief or disappointment over your loss and celebrating your friend’s success. The answers are pretty simple but difficult to understand.

It all comes down to having faith in Allah SWT; anything that is being delayed is for our good. He knows best what and when it should be given.

How is not being blessed with a child good for me?

And where is the positivity in not getting the position I worked hard for?

We can spend countless minutes complaining life isn’t fair, and a lack of knowledge can be a big step in distancing us from our Iman (faith). We need to understand Allah SWT is Ar Rahman ( All-Merciful) and He is Al Adl (The Just). Allah SWT never wants ill for his servants, He wants what’s best for us.

  • These trials either bring out the best or worst in us.
  • The tests are meant to purify us, and wash away our sins. Allah wants to save us from punishment – i.e. the punishment of the Akhirah which is much worse than any test faced in this world.
  • A test is a kind of protection from something worse that might have occurred to us. Therefore tests might be a blessing in disguise.
  • These trials are meant to strengthen our Iman (faith) as Allah is the best planner.
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When we believe that when it is destined for us it will happen, we will be at peace and not blame or complain that life isn’t fair. We won’t feel like a hypocrite, feeling awful inside but trying to put up a good face, because we would have come to terms with the fact everything will turn out just as Allah SWT has planned even before this universe came into existence.

We need to focus on ourselves so we become better versions of ourselves and feel happy for someone because they deserve it. Make duaá for yourself and everyone else around; we don’t want our insecurities, jealousy, and frustration to ruin our Akhlaaq.

May Allah Bless You In Arabic

We can make duaá in any language we want Allah SWT has no limitations, but in Arabic, it sounds more beautiful.

may allah bless you quotes

May Allah Bless You Quotes

1- May Allah Bless You With Success And Prosperity

Prosperity and success hold different meanings for different people. Success doesn’t necessarily mean wealth it could also imply success in the Hereafter, Allah SWT knows best in form what to give us that prosperity.

But we should, at the same time, pray for Barakah as well. While we seek success for both worlds, it’s important to note that our definition of success in this world should not be at the cost of our success in the Hereafter.

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2- May Allah Bless You With Endless Happiness

Happiness in the Quran refers to happiness in the hereafter. Everlasting happiness in the afterlife is the ultimate goal of a believer.

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3- May Allah Bless You With Good Health

Islam places great emphasis on good health. We all belong to Allah SWT, and to Him, we will return. Our body is entrusted to us by Allah SWT and we have to answer for any harm or neglect we put our bodies through.

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4- May Allah Bless You With Patience

In this world, we face many difficulties but we have to be patient (Sabr) that hold high status in the sight of Allah SWT. Sabr is mentioned many times in Quran and Sunnah; Allah loves the As Saabiroon (the patient).

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5- May Allah Bless You With His Mercy

Mercy is one of Allah’s greatest attributes. Many of us don’t get the overwhelming feeling that our sins are too much, we don’t realize that Allah’s Mercy will always outweigh our sins.

Prophet Muhammad explained this quality of mercy to his companions that Allah SWT has divided His mercy into hundred parts and sent down one part to His creation.

This is why people treat each other with kindness. Allah SWT has withheld the remaining 99 parts for the believers on the Day of Judgement.

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6- May Allah Bless You With His Guidance

Guidance comes from Allah SWT. But in His wisdom, He has created us with the ability to choose between right and wrong. This is how we will pave our way to Jannah by obeying Allah’s orders or disobeying and being punished.

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7- May Allah Bless You With Knowledge

As the old saying goes ”knowledge is power”, Quran mentions the great importance of seeking knowledge in Islam. Every Muslim is obligated to seek knowledge regardless of gender or age.

Our learning process doesn’t just stop at seeking; it is how we implement that knowledge in our lives that counts as well.

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8- May Allah Bless You With A Life Of Taqwa

Taqwa (piety), is the fear of Allah SWT and being conscious of what is good and avoiding what is wrong. There are many verses in the Quran that highlight the term Taqwa and its rewards. Those on the path of righteousness will attain ultimate success in the Hereafter.

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9- May Allah Bless You With Many Months Of Ramadan

The auspicious month of Ramadan is almost upon us, the time of year everyone eagerly waits for. The time to train our hearts, minds, and souls.

The blessed time to strengthen our connection with Allah SWT. It is time to try to overcome our Nafs. The effects of Ramadan should be visible upon us like the morning dew on a flower petal.

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10- May Allah Bless You With Highest Level In Jannah

Jannah is our eternal abode for those who have spent their lives following the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. The bounties, beauties, and pleasures of Paradise have been mentioned in the Quran numerous times so that believers know what awaits them when they strive to please their Lord in this world.

may allah bless you quotes

Q. What is the greatest blessing of Allah?

Quran is the greatest blessing of Allah SWT.

Q. What is the best way of thanking Allah SWT?

Always remember to say Alhamdulilah.

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