10 Islamic Quotes on Corruption & How to Deal With Corruption

Islamic Quotes on Corruption: Our lives are built on the influence of those around us. Corrupt individuals can taint the lives of many by leading them astray. Corruption has been a major concern for centuries. Quotes on corruption have been passed on from generation to generation.

The problem of corruption is pervasive across the world and has far-reaching detrimental effects on all aspects of society.

According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Indexes, nations with a majority of Muslims are frequently classified as “highly corrupt.” However, the majority of research on corruption is done from a Western point of view. It is difficult to discover a piece of writing that entirely devotes itself to studying the issue of corruption from the standpoint of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

What Does Islam Say About Corruption?

Jurists have broadened the definition of “bribery” to include those who give money to others in order to assert their rights or protect their honor or the honor of others. Fighting corruption in the Muslim ummah must be grounded on Islamic values protected by Sharia to assure efforts’ ownership, effect, and legitimacy.

Although Islamic law has a significant effect on and is largely applied in the legal systems of most Middle Eastern countries, there is little information on how Sharia law and its courts specifically deal with corruption. Hence, we have compiled top 10 best Islamic quotes on corruption for you, which are enlisted as follows.

1 – Quotes On Corruption In the Quran

The following is a verse from Surah Al-Baqarah from the Holy Quran. The verse explains how corrupt people try to manipulate others into believing otherwise. But, Allah (Swt) knows best and can see through their facade.


2 – Hadith On Corruption

The Hadith depicts how the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) felt about people who bribe others to get their way. He (S.A.W.) has wished Allah’s curse on anyone who gives and one who receives a bribe. The severity of the transgression is indicated by a curse from Allah (Swt) or His Prophet (P.B.U.H.). A bribe receiver denies himself the benefit of having his prayers answered.


3 – Why is Bribery Forbidden in Islam?

Sharia law forbids bribery and corruption and are viewed as serious criminal violations and a major sin. Corruption alters economic assessment, discourages investment, impairs a nation’s ability to compete, and eventually slows down economic progress. Additionally, when a dishonest public official embezzles public funds, the state’s capacity to protect its citizens and provide for their fundamental needs is weakened.

The following is an Islamic quote on corruption by Ibn Hazm, a Muslim jurist and philosopher. In this quote, he explains why is bribery forbidden in Islam. Bribery is deemed a sin as not only does it unjustly improve the situation of someone in power but also deprives the weak on their rightful blessing.

You can learn more about the top Islamic scholars here.


4 – Islamic Scholar’s View of Corruption

The quote lays down a major principle about corruption. It explains how every person is prone to be enticed and fall prey to corruption. However, one of the ways to deal with it and prevent yourself from it is by observing your actions under the light of Islam.


5 – The Worst Form of Corruption

Bribery is considered the most common form of corruption. Islam makes it clear that if the circumstances and components supporting its ban are present, all types of bribery are forbidden. In the following verse of the Holy Quran, Allah (Swt) warns the people against unjustly consuming someone’s wealth, especially by bribing someone of authority. Furthermore, He (Swt) declares both these acts as a sin.


6 – Punishment for Corruption in Islam

The hadith lays down the punishment for a form of corruption which is, bribery. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) states that anyone who commits bribery or acts as an accomplice for the act shall not receive the mercy of Allah (Swt).


7 – How to Deal with Corruption?

The following quote by Imam Khamenei describes how to deal with corruption. In a nutshell, he states that we should not wait for something big to happen but, accountability must be enforced at every step.


8 – Mention of Bribery in the Quran

The reasonable explanation for the growing corruption in the majority of Muslim nations is that certain people are not sufficiently devoted to and true to the teachings of Islam. The following quote, in a nutshell, explains that bribery is not only illegal but, is unjust as well and hence, is prohibited under the Holy Quran.


9 – Pharaoh as an Example

The Quran denounces those individuals in positions of power who promote instability and corruption among the masses, favoring some while exploiting others.


10 – Who is a Corruptor in Islam?

By defining the traits of the Pharoah, Allah (Swt) has laid down the definition of a corruptor in the following verse of the Holy Quran. The verse describes how first the Pharoah of Egypt divided the people among different social classes and weakened a group of them in every manner possible.

Then, he forced that weak group of people into unjust hard labor for his gain. Apart from this verse, Allah (Swt) has described various traits of a corruptor throughout the Holy Quran and has expressed strong disdain for it.

Here are some Inspirational Islamic Quotes on Justice.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can we overcome corruption?

The best way to overcome corruption is by reporting it and holding the dishonest people among us accountable for their corrupt actions.

Q. What are the 3 types of corruption?

Supply vs. demand, grand versus petty, conventional vs. unorthodox, and public vs. private corruption are the most prevalent forms or categories of corruption.

Q. Why do we need to stop corruption?

The most vulnerable members of society are disproportionately impacted by corruption. Economic growth is slowed down, investment is discouraged, and the rule of law is compromised by corruption and abuse of power which is why it needs to be eliminated from society immediately.

Q. What is the meaning of fasad?

The Arabic term “fasad” means vileness, corruption, or wickedness. In an Islamic context, it may refer to causing a disruption in the tranquility of the community, spreading corruption or mayhem in the world.

Q. What is bribery and corruption?

Corruption is referred to as unethical or fraudulent behavior by persons in positions of authority. However, bribery is a type of corruption that occurs by providing, donating, or receiving something of value with the purpose of persuading someone to act or rewarding someone for acting.


  1. Faisal August 8, 2023
    • Ayesha Raza September 4, 2023

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