How to Learn Arabic-9 Tips for Learning Fast & Fluent Arabic

How to learn Arabic? There are numerous languages in this world but, Muslims around have a soft spot for Arabic. It is because Quran was revealed in Arabic and our Holy Prophet (SAWW) spoke Arabic. All the early scriptures such as Hadiths were written in Arabic. Therefore Muslims are always trying to learn Arabic. So much so that majority of the Muslims can read it without understanding the meaning (which is not appreciated by scholars).

Because of these reasons, Muslims levitate on learning Arabic. it is taught around different institutes as a separate course. But, some tips can save you from the grueling process of learning Arabic. Because learning new languages especially as adults is a cumbersome task that many find very draining.

How To Learn Arabic Quickly?

In our last post, we talked about Inspiring Islamic Quotes on Education. Keep reading to learn tips that will help you learn Arabic in a record time and that too very easily.

How to Learn Arabic-9 Tips for Learning Fast & Fluent Arabic

9. Understand that it will take time and dedication

Before learning any language, it is imperative to understand that languages are meant to be difficult at first, since you are going to learn new characters and words. Everything can feel confusing at first but you need to keep going and understand that it will take time. But, in the end, it will be worth it. Here’s a tip to keep going, imagine you sitting on a chair and reading the Quran and understanding everything without the help of any translation.

You wil have your own translation of the Quran. One that will come from your own mind and you won’t have to depend on anyone else for that. Or imagine yourself in the city of prophet, Madinah, and Makkah, just being in the streets where Prophet (saw) once walked and just understand everything that people say. It will be an amazing feeling, just keep this in Minda be keep going.

8. Use Your Online Resources

We’re lucky to be living in a digital age where so much information is at our fingertips. So make use of it. You can learn a lot from the different youtube channels and free online courses. Here’s a list of some of the most recommended channels on Youtube to learn Arabic for free.

How to Learn Arabic-9 Tips for Learning Fast & Fluent Arabic

7. Make Notes and Keep a Record

Especially for beginners, it is important to make notes and record everything that you learn as it helps you in not just keeping a track of your progress but it will also stop you from feeling overwhelmed.

6. Watch Arabic Movies & Series

Instead of watching Netflix in English or some other language, watch shows in Arabic. If you’ve just started out, you can turn on the subtitles to help you hear better. When you keep hearing different words being user again and again in these shows, you’ll realise that they’re important and you’ll look for their meaning and be comfortable with using them too. Here’s a list of some of the best Arabic shows to watch on Netflix.

5. Choose What Type of Arabic You Want to Learn

People often equate Arabic with only Saudia but in reality, it is the mother tongue of around 30 counties that also use it as their official language. So there are a lot of dialects and versions of Arabic that we are unaware of.

Therefore, before you begin your classes find out what dialect you want to learn. This will make it easier for you to understand where you need to begin. Take it as English, it one langue but the British and American English has a lot of nitty gritty that makes it stand out from each other. It may sound the same in the beginning but when you start to pay attention, you notice the change in accents and certain words that people use in one region but don’t even recognize in other regions.

How to Learn Arabic-9 Tips for Learning Fast & Fluent Arabic

4. Trust the Process

As mentioned before, learning a new language is a grueling process. This process may make you want to pull your hair out. It is undersrabdkbe but you need to take small steps and go slow. You can’t start reading and understand a whole Arabic book after a few days of planning.

Take yourself as a kid who just started school, will you be able to read Macbeth in your first week of school? Exactly, keep this in mind and take small steps until you get there. Remember that one drop of water, consistent water, can fill a huge bucket but you just need to be patient and do some practice, without any days off (except weekends).

3. Dictionary is Your New Best Friend

You may find this tip as a cliche, but trust us when we say it. Keep a dictionary with you at all times, get a book version or a phone app (an app will be easier). And when you start with your new words, use the dictionary to learn new words every day. You will be amazed at the results when you will be able to identify words on your own. It is an amazing feeling!

2. Practice Does Make You Perfect

How many times have we heard this from our elders? Practice will make you perfect. Well, heres the deal… It really does work. What is the difference between Muahmmad Ali and any other boxer? Practice!

People who practice day in and day out actually end up making a difference in this world. To take a start, try to learn five new words every day and start to use them in your daily life. You will be amazed at your progress.

On the contrary, if you will be lazy with it, no one will be able to help you. And your dream of learning Arabic and making progress in life will remain a dream. And dreams that don’t get into the mold of reality turn into regrets. And regret is not something you would want to add to your life.

this rule not only applies to learning a new language (Arabic in this case) but it is also essential for other aspects in life. Practice with persistence is the key for success.

1. Speak

Speak? Yes, the key to learning any language and especially Arabic because your accent will matter a lot (in Arabic), is how much you will practice your speaking skills. You cannot learn a language in your head. You need to speak in order to register it in your brain.

For example, a kid starts learning a new language but he\she cannot learn it without speaking. A kid will fail at speaking but will never stop trying. And after speaking endlessly and failing a lot of times – anyone would be able to master their skills in a new language.

So once you’ve learnt the basics and want to be really fluent in Arabic, its important to chat with native speakers and take their advice.


Learning a new language is not a piece of cake. It is a very taxing process that will make you feel like giving up every other day. but, if you want to learn something out of true passion then it will not be a problem for you. or you can say that you will be ready to take on any challenge to get to your end goal.

As a new Arabic student, try to be patient with the process and start by taking small steps. Start with the alphabets and move on to the words. Similarly, try to keep a dictionary at hand and try to speak as much as you can.

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