15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa: Al-Numan bin Thabit, commonly known as Abu Hanifah or Abu Hanifa, is regarded as the founder of one of the four schools of Sunni Islamic Fiqh. He is also known by the names of Al-Numan and Thabit.

His other well-known names are Siraj Al-Aimma (The Great Imam) and Al-Imam Al-Aam (The Lamp of the Imams). He was born in Kufa, Iraq, in the year 80 AH (699 AC). His father, Thabit Ibn Zauta Al-Farisi, was a Persian.

Some traditions claim that he was given the name “Abu Hanifa” because he faithfully performed acts of worship and religious duties; the term “Hanif” in Arabic means “leaning or inclined” to the right religion.

Quotes By Imam Abu Hanifa R.A

Apart from his scholastic achievements, Imam Abu Hanifa was known for his simple but compelling quotes. The following quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa often left people stunned or compelled them to think about life from a new perspective.

1 – Quote on Knowledge by Imam Abu Hanifa

In the following quote, Abu Hanifa explains a simple way to attain knowledge i.e., by focusing on useful information only.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

2 – Quote for Respect of Teachers

The following quote by Abu Hanifa depicts his respect for his teachers and how important he considers them in one’s life.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

3 – Logical and Thought Provoking Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa

The following quote shows how Imam Abu Hanifa used to deflect illogical questions with humor. Moreover, it goes to show that Islam, although demands respect but is never a religion of blind worship. Everything has logic behind it.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

4 – Quotes About the Authenticity of Hadith

In the following quote, the Imam suggests that we look for the source when authenticating a hadith. He declares it unlawful to practice a hadith without verifying it from its source.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

5 – Quotes That Contradict The Holy Quran

Everything that we read must be checked with the Holy Quran and the hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If it contradicts those two sources then such statements and practices must be abandoned even if they have been made by someone you really look up to. One must always remember that nothing is above the word of Allah (SWT).

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

6 – Importance of Practicing One’s Knowledge According To Imam Abu Hanifa

Tim and time again, Imam Abu Hanifa has encouraged to practice what they learn as he believes that gaining knowledge without utilizing is a waste of such knowledge.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

7 – Can A Muslim Be A Disbeliever?

The term “kaafir” is used by Muslims to refer to disbelievers. In the quote below, Imam Abu Hanifa strictly reprimands the Muslims against using this term for Muslims even if they do not practice the deen in its true essence.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

8 – Attaining Knowledge About The Worldly Life

Worldly life is temporary and hence, knowledge about life is not of much use. In the following quote, Imam Abu Hanifa exclaims that anyone who seeks knowledge to attain this temporary world has no passion for seeking true knowledge and is not a true learner.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

9 – How To Make Decisions in Islam?

Imam Abu Hanifa has been a strong proponent of applying one’s knowledge. He is of the belief that any knowledge that either is not applied in daily life or cannot be utilized is a waste. In the following quote, Imam Abu Hanifa encourages believers to utilize their knowledge.

According to his quote, all our actions must be backed by knowledge instead of ignorance. Once we feel like we don’t have the knowledge, we should halt our actions until they can be backed by knowledge. This will prevent us from making regrettable choices and understanding that Allah is the best of planners.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

10 – Islamic Quotes About Affection

Throughout the tradition of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we have seen Him (PBUH) be kind to even the foulest people. Taking inspiration from our role model Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in the following quote, Imam Abu Hanifa encourages us to show affection to every person. Kindness and affection always yield better results than matching someone else’s behavior.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

11 – Importance of Knowledge in Islam

In the following quote by Imam Abu Hanifa, he explains that gathering knowledge is of no use if it is not utilized.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

12 – What to do when we are faced with difficulties?

According to Imam Abu Hanifa, the difficulties that befall a believer are due to their sins. Moreover, he focuses on the fact that a sinful person must not lament when he is faced with difficulties. Now, at first, one might consider this quote rather harsh.

However, if one thinks about it in-depth then one will come to the realization that there is Allah’s mercy in it. When Allah (SWT) wants to forgive a believer or wants them to get closer to Him, then He introduces them with a challenge.

However, Allah (SWT) has also promised ease along with the trial. Indeed Allah (SWT) is merciful. Here are some Powerful Islamic Duas To Recite When Facing Difficulties.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

13 – Islamic Quotes About Faith

In the following quote by Imam Abu Hanifa, he claims that essentially a person has faith or he doesn’t.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

14 – Do Muslims Feel Imprisoned?

It is a common notion among non-believers that Muslims live a life that is nothing short of imprisonment. However, a true believer can attest that this statement is extremely far from the truth. A true believer happily obeys the command of Allah (SWT) and in fact, finds joy in doing that. The following tradition of Imam Abu Hanifa focuses on the same false narrative about Muslims among non-believers.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

15 – Biddat In Islam

Biddat refers to any new invention in Islamic traditions and teachings. They are not encouraged and must be avoided at all costs.

In the following quote by Imam Abu Hanifa, he is heeding the believers to stick to the ways and narrations of their pious predecessors.

Moreover, he is also warning us to steer clear of new inventions as they are most likely to steer us away from the real teachings of Islam.

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

Imam Abu Hanifa’s Quotes in Urdu

Many of our readers wanted to read Imam Abu Hanifa’s quotes with urdu translation, so we have compiled below some of his most famous quotes in Urdu:

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion
15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion
15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion
15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

He was highly respected by others as proven by this quote by Imam Shafi:

15 Compelling Quotes by Imam Abu Hanifa on Life & Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How many hadith did Abu Hanifa know?

As per his book of ahadith “Life in Saudi Arabia”, Imam Abu Hanifa summarized 500,000 ahadith that were memorized by him.

Q. When was Imam Hanafi born?

Imam Hanafi was born on 5th September in 699 AD.

Q. Who was the founder of Fiqh Hanafi describe his life and role?

The foundation of Fiqh Hanafi was laid by the teachings of Abu Hanifa (d. 767), an Iraqi merchant who studied and taught in Kufa and is known to have produced one significant work, Al-Fiqh al-Akbar.

Q. What is the meaning of Hanafi?

Hanafi is defined as an established school of Sunni Muslim law, particularly practiced in southern and central Asia, based on the findings of Imam Abu Hanifa.

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