What is Hajr e Aswad: One of the most practiced religions in the world is Islam. Religion is full of symbolic events and happenings. The purpose of such events is to enlighten followers. Providing them with a code of conduct. Such events were handled wisely by the Prophet PUBH. And transformed into a learning exercise for Muslims. He (PBUH) guided Muslims with Quran and Sunnah at every step. Moreover, he introduced the message of equality and fraternity.
Why is Hajr e Aswad Important for Muslims?
One of these events includes the descent of Hajr-e-Aswad. The stone is a relic of the Muslim world. Every year, Muslims visit Kabah and witness its placement. The revelation of stone was a meaningful occurrence. Through this stone, the Prophet propelled a message of brotherhood. And emphasized unity between Muslims.

7 – Origin Of The Black Stone
The origin of Hajr-e-Aswad is highly significant. The stone has different historical records. But it is sacred for all Muslims. Angel Jibrail (AS) had to give the heavenly body to Ibrahim (AS). So, he keeps it as a relic at Kaaba. At the time, Kaaba was under construction by Hazrat Ibrahim AS. Once Kaaba was complete, the walls openings were closed. However, one was left. To fill it, Hazrat Ismail AS went to fetch a stone. But he was unsuccessful. However, Hazrat Ismail AS saw Hajr-e-Aswad and inquired about it. Hazrat Ibrahim then narrated the story. Moreover, he mentioned the heavenly origin of the stone.
6 – The Symbolic Colour
Hajr-e-Aswad was known to be originally white. The tone was a representation of the purity and virtue of heaven. But, as the stone descended Earth. The colour changed to black. The black shade represents man’s sin. The symbolism of the stone is a message for all. Upon observing it, one may acknowledge his act. And repent from all the wrongdoings.
The black colour also calls out how distant man has become from God. He is engaged in the world of lies and deceit. These activities consume his spirit. And injures his spiritual identity. Upon witnessing the stone, one realizes to restore his spirituality. And to resume his link with God.
Initially, the stone had a blinding radiance. God had concealed it. But if it God restores it. Everything from East to West would illuminate.
I would also recommend that you go through these most important lessons from the story of Prophet Ismail.
5 – The Center Of Feud
The heavenly body is also a source of lessons for Muslims. During Ka’bah’s reconstruction, an issue came to rise. Who was to place the stone in the cavity? There was a need for eligibility criteria. Consequently, the tribes came to confrontation. A civil war situation erupted. They all wanted the responsibility. All fought for the honor. To initiate a dispute, the tribes made a gesture. They brought a bowl of blood. And put their hands in it. To avoid bloodshed, Abu Umayya Ibn-al Mugheera gave a suggestion. The first person to enter via Bani Shaybah Gate will pick a tribe. All accepted the proposition.
The first person to enter was Holy Prophet PBUH. At that time, he wasn’t a Prophet. The Holy Prophet PBUH showed prudence. And gave a verdict. He proposed to place the stone at the center of the cloth. And each tribal representative was to hold one corner of it.
Everyone accepted the solution and took one edge. Carried it to the opening. Then the Prophet PBUH picked the stone. And beautifully fixed it inside the space. Years later, Abdullah Bin Zubair took constructed a fixture for the stone.
4 – A Lesson For All
Through his supreme intelligence, Prophet PBUH prevented war. Not only were the Quraysh saved from bloodshed. He extinguished their anger. And put an end to the conflict. Moreover, the Prophet upheld one fundamental principle in his decision. That is equality for all.
3 – Stolen From Makkah
Hajr-e-Aswad was a relic for all Muslims. In history, enemies used to steal relics. And place them in their towns. Moreover, they would put visitation charges on it. Hence, desecrating wasn’t the only aim. Monetary incentives and gain of prestige were also significant.
Similarly, Hajr-e-Aswad remained stolen for 23 years. The Qarmatians, based in Bahrain, came to rise. Abu Tahir Al Qarmatians headed them. In 930, they attack Kaaba to obtain the stone. Qarmatians mounted horses and entered Masjid e Haram. Thirty thousand pilgrims died brutally in the incident.
The dead bodies of people were thrown in Zamzam well. And Hajr-e-Aswad was stolen.

2 – Restoration Of Hajr-E-Aswad
Abu Tahir placed Hajr-e-Aswad in Masjid Dirar. And made it their relic. The intention was clear. Turning Masjid Dirar into a pilgrimage site.
A gut-wrenching infestation overcame Abu Tahir. The flesh on his bones became infested with worms. The worms ate him away. With his death, his plans also shattered. Twenty-three years later, Hajr-e-Aswad returned to Kaaba. However, the Abbasids had to pay a considerable ransom for it.
Now the stone was in eight pieces. The Abbasids kept one. And constructed a silver frame for it. At last, they put the stone in its original cavity. And completed the structure of Kaaba.
The rest of the pieces are in different Muslim countries. Turkey safeguards six parts. One is at Mihrab of Blue Mosque and the other at tomb Suliman. Lastly, the four pieces left are at Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque. This way, all stones are safeguarded by different Muslim states.
Do go through our earlier post on everything you need to know about zam zam water.
1 – The Ritual
Thousands of Muslims visit Kaaba for pilgrimage every year. They go to the east corner of Kaaba, which contains the stone. Moreover, they kiss the stone for paying homage. Prophet PBUH undertook the practice so it is continued by his followers.
The Muslims hold one significant belief regarding Hajr-e-Aswad. That if one kisses the stone to pay respect. The stone will testify in their favor on the day of judgment. Hence, the ritual prevails. Muslims continue to witness Hajr-e-Aswad and connect with their Prophet PBUH. You can learn more about it from our post on how to perform hajj.