Black magic in Islam: The concept of black magic is neither a myth nor a superstition. Quranic verses and Ahadith support the existence of black magic along with providing a solution. Magic mostly leads the person to see things in a manner that does not really happen or exist. The remedy is to resort to Almighty Allah.
What is Black Magic in Islam?
Black magic is one of the oldest practices in the world. Islam condemns black magic. Satan deceives man and indulges him to practice black magic so to fulfill desires in this world. However, the consequence in the hereafter for such evil-doers is severe.
Below we will discuss various concepts of black magic in Islam and how one can stay away from it:
Hadith on Black Magic – One of the Destructive Sin
The following Hadith is enough to warn any Muslim about the severity of black magic. It is rated as one of the seven destructive sins. This holds a strong lesson for those who practice magic for any reason be it thrill, popularity, jealousy or to earn money. In Islam, there is no justification for black magic.
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Practicing Black Magic is Shirk
The following Hadith states black magic as shirk, which again is also a destructive sin. This is a grievous sin near Allah SWT. No Muslim should ever indulge in such practices for thrill and to harm others.

Black Magic as Mentioned in the Holy Quran
In the second chapter of the Holy Quran, verse number 102, black magic is mentioned as evident from the verse below. The devils used to teach black magic to people. Hence, this is authentic proof for those who doubt that black magic exists.
It’s pertinent to note the context of this verse so the belief in black magic existence can be established. The Israelites were declining as a nation due to slavery, humiliation and poverty. Instead of turning to the word of Allah, they turned to witchcraft and magic etc as these means will grant them a way out of their misery.

The satanic forces misled them making them believe that the wealth and power of Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) were merely due to magic. To test their belief, Allah SWT sent the two angels Harut and Marut in the form of humans who taught magic and sorcery to people but by firstly warning them. However, they did not pay heed to the warning and transgressed the boundaries. They practiced magic and exploited others’ lives by causing separation between a husband and his wife.
In addition, black magic is also mentioned in Surah Falaq. We are taught to seek refuge from the evil of witchcraft when they blow in the knots.
Black Magic Practiced on Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) was the victim of black magic too. The following extract from the Hadith states:

The hair of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) was once collected by the opponent of Islam and tied into the knot. Then it was placed at the bottom of the well. This practice of black magic by the evil-doer made the Prophet (SAWS) very ill.
Later, Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) found the knot and untied it. This eventually relieved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing upon Him) from pain and misery.
Precautions Against Black Magic
The Iman (Belief) is the core pillar of a Muslim as it means to believe that Allah SWT has the Supreme Power to do anything. We should have the firm belief that there is no power nor strength except by Allah the Lofty, the Great. He can cure us of black magic.
As taught by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him), we should continuously pray for refuge in God from all evils. It was his sunnah to seek protection especially during morning and evening and before going to the bed. Following are many ways along with the recitation of Surah Fatiha that Muslims should follow as precautions against black magic, evil eye and other evils. To learn more from the Prophet Muhammad, you should go through these Great Manners of Prophet Muhammad That We Need to Adopt.
Recitation of Surah Baqarah
One of the many benefits of reciting Surah Baqarah in one’s house is that all evil and jinns are expelled. In addition, Allah SWT protects us from black magic and other evils.
Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with Him) reported:

Recitation of Quls
It’s evident from the sunnah that Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) used to recite the 3 Quls: Sarah Al-nas, Surah-Al Falaq and Surah Al Ikhlas as part of morning and evening supplication.
Also, he used to recite it 3 times each before going to the bed and rubbed his hands all over his body after reciting. You can learn more on this from our post on Importance & Benefits of Reciting the 4 Qul.
Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Blessing of Eating Ajwa Date
The following Hadith states that the benefit of Aiwa date is that it is an effective precaution against black magic.

Reciting Ruqya
We have also been taught to recite Ruqya. Ruqya is the tried and tested invocation that is the healing word against bad Evil Eye, Black magic, Jinns and Jealousy. By regularly incorporating the ruqya in our daily routine, we seek protection against every evil by the will of Allah SWT.
Only Allah SWT has knowledge of the unseen, which is one of Islam’s fundamentals. No one has the power to cause good or harm except for Allah SWT and He has the power to cure it too. Practicing black magic leads to destruction in the lives of others as well as the one who practices it. However, when a Muslim faces a problem, he should not always think it is due to black magic. One should remain positive and should continuously practice the precautionary measures mentioned in the text. Allah Almighty knows best.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Should Muslims believe in Black Magic?
Yes, Muslims should believe that Black Magic can happen and is not merely a myth or a superstition. However, black magic is condemned in Islam and is considered a shirk. As evidence, there are Quranic verses and numerous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) stating about black magic. In addition, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) was himself a victim of black magic
Q. How can I protect myself from Black Magic?
There are many effective ways taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings upon Him) to protect from black magic. It includes: Reciting Ruqya, eating aiwa date, recitation of Surah Fatiha and three Quls (Sarah Al-nas, Surah-Al Falaq, Surah Al Ikhlas) and recitation of Surah Baqarah.
Q. Where is black magic mentioned in the Holy Quran?
In the second chapter of the Holy Quran (Surah Baqarah), verse number 102, black magic is mentioned. The verse tells that the devils used to teach black magic to people. Also in the 113th chapter of the Holy Quran (Surah Falaq), we are taught to seek protection against those who blow on knots. The verse states:” …from the evil of the witchcrafts when they blow in the knots.”