One of the biggest challenges in the west for Muslims is how to up-bring their children Islamically especially living in the area where the Muslim community is sparsed. This article provides all the tips to ease the difficulties observed by the Muslim communities living in non-muslim countries.

How to Up-Bring Kids in a Non-Muslim Country?
This article comprises tips that will surely benefit in up-bringing a Muslim kid in a non-muslim country. Educating a Muslim kid in a non-muslim country is not an easy task as it requires a lot of dedication and attention from both parents. Following the tips given in this article will help you with their education, and enhance your knowledge in finding out various ways to deal with your in a non-Muslim country.
15 – Meetup with Muslim Families
Being a Muslim in non-muslims countries means being less in number, the drawback of which is socialization with the Muslim families turns into a difficult task. One should be considered fortunate enough if living in an area where Mosques or any other Muslim community center exist, which is a benefit for finding Muslim families to communicate and connect with each other.
For the training of the Muslim kids, parents should make sure to connect with other Muslim families, it will be difficult; it is completely understood that the first step is always not as easily as considered but it is worth it.

14 – Locate a Mosque
Moving into a Non-muslim country with family, the first step is to locate a Mosque nearby for daily prayers and connecting with Muslim families. Doing this will help the Muslim kids to better understand the Muslim’s way of communication and interaction skills. Via this the singled out or different feeling is wiped out from the Muslim kids.

13 – Online Quran Classes
There might be a situation where no nearby Mosque is found, and you have to drive miles to reach the mosque for the sake of Muslim kids’ Islamic teaching. Workaround for it will be to get a Muslim kid to join online Quran classes. It may not be a better option but it will give the chance for the kids to have better Islamic teaching. It will serve as a ray of light for the kids to follow the teaching of their religion.

12 – Strong Bond Development

11 – Celebrate Muslim Festivals
Make it a point to take the day off from work/school to celebrate your religious festivals. Decorate the house so children become familiar with these elements. Read more about Eid Gifts for Kids here.

10 – Strong Islamic Environment at Home
By the term, strong environment means that dig into the religion, and make it part of your routine task as much possible as you can. As a result, the kids won’t feel awkward or different when given Islamic teaching on usual occasions. This brings in a positive association with Islamic teaching, learning, and implementing the process. Involve in decision making, selection of surahs to be studied, or any other Islamic practice.

9 – Be a role model and teacher
Kids are like sponges, they revert back the same actions they see, hear, or perform. Therefore be a role model for them. Offer salah and listen to the Holy Quran. Encourage them to worship alongside you.
8 – Recite the Adhan on Child’s Birth
When a child is born in a Muslim family, the Adhan is whispered in the right ear, and a meaningful name is given to the child. Here are some more Sunnah Acts for New Born Baby That Parents Should Follow.
7 – Perform Aqiqah
It is the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), to sacrifice livestock and distribute it among relatives, neighbors, and the ones who are in need. It is an act of Muslim parents to thank Allah Almighty for showering His blessing upon them in the form of a baby. Muslims living in a non-muslim country may find this offering sunnah difficult but they can request their relatives to offer for them and they can only shave off the baby’s head on the 7th day.
For a baby girl, it is the sacrifice of one livestock ( lamb/goat) and for a baby boy, it is two.
6- Teach Six Kalimah
When the child starts to speak, the thing to do is to teach and encourage them to memorize Kalimah Tayyibah. It is La ilaha illalLah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Ullah which means, “There is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Prophet.”
The remaining five kalimah can be taught afterward as they grow up.
5 – Tell them bedtime stories about Prophets and the early days of Islam

4 – Spend time with them
Spending time with Kids after school hours in a non-muslim is vital. Ask them about how they spend their day at school, how the behavior of other kids was them and how the teacher explained the lesson. If they failed to understand help them to understand it better and with that also ask them whether they were able to perform their prayers timely. Encourage them to follow the Islamic teaching properly to create a stronger bond with Allah Almighty
3 – Encourage creativity
A child’s creativity also plays a vital role in brain development, and it is also a way of communication done through the expression of drawing. Don’t stop them from drawing humans and animals instead motivate them to draw flowers, mountains, abstract, geometrical objects, etc. Hang their artwork on walls, fridges, cupboards, etc to encourage them and bring more confidence in them.
2 – Keep an Eye on the Company of Kids
A man is known by the company he keeps. This is enough to ensure that as parents it is our duty to keep a close eye on their friends.
1 – Keep the deen in their hearts and encourage them to focus their lives on pleasing Allah
Encourage the Muslim kids to worship timely, and follow the Islamic teachings that include the basic five pillars of Islam. Also, guide them to spread the words of Allah within other communities when they get older. And should have a proper understanding of the Quran by taking online lessons and Sunnah, as in the end the only thing that will matter will the Allah Almighty’s happiness, they have to please him and receive his blessings.
Encourage them to the self-improvement of Islamic studies, dhikr, and make dua throughout the day. Support them in the choices that they may make to get closer to Allah, such as growing a beard or wearing the niqaab.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do you bring up a Muslim child?
A. By being a part of their lives, read the Quran together, go to the mosque together.
Q. How can I educate my child about Islam?
A. Create a religious atmosphere e.g. Adhaan should be played in the house, Quran’s recitation can be played, and Islamic stories should be told to the children.
Can a Muslim child have a non-Muslim name?
A. It is the right of the children that a meaningful name is given to them. Any name that shows that they are not Muslims, or the names meaning is negative or offensive should be avoided.
Can Muslim and non-Muslim be friends?
A. It is not advisable because the child starts imitating their actions and beliefs.