The literal meaning of Tasbeeh is to Glorify Allah SWT. Salatul Tasbeeh is a prayer in which we remember Allah SWT and pray for forgiveness for all the sins we do in our lifetime intentionally or unintentionally.
If you’re seeking forgiveness from Allah then you must also go through these Powerful Duas to Ask Allah for Forgiveness of Sins.

What is Salatul Tasbih?
5 – Importance Of Salatul Tasbih
This is evident from several Hadiths, and through time scholars and pious people have made it a habit to offer it. since the second generation after the Sahabah رضي الله عنهم until our times, all the great teachers have been offering this salah with constancy and have been advising the people to do so. Sayyiduna Abbas رضي الله عنه has narrated that he was once informed by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
O Abbas my uncle! Shall I not grant you a gift? Shall I not show you something for which Allah will forgive your sins? Sins of future and the past, new and old, the unintentional and those you do knowingly, big and small, revealed and hidden?
Then the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ taught him the Salat Tasbeeh. Then Prophet Muhammad ﷺ advised him to offer daily if possible, if not possible then offer once in a week on Friday, or once in a month, or once in a year or at least once in a lifetime.–TIRMIDHI
I would also recommend that you go through these Types of Sunnah Prayers In Islam.
4 – What is To Be Read During This Prayer?
سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ ِللهِ وَلاَ اِلَهَ اِلاََّ اللهُُ وَاللهُُ اََكْبَرْ
Glory is to Allah, praise is to Allah and there is no one worthy of worship but Allah and Allah is the greatest
3 – How To Pray Salatul Tasbih?
This salah is offered four rakahs at a time. It can be offered at any part of the day or night except the times when Sujood is prohibited. The target is to have recited this dua 300 times by the completion of the four rakahs. Here is the method of how it should be offered:
- Make Niyyah and start your prayer as you would normally do
- After reciting Sana recite “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar– 15 times
- Then recite Surah Fatiha another Surah and recite “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar”– 10 times
- Go into Ruku and recite the ruku dua and say this while still in ruku position “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar”– 10 times.Then make Sajdah
- Stand from Ruku and in Qiyam position say this dua again – 10 times
- Make Sajadah and after the sajdah dua say this “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar” –10 times
- Make Jalsa (sitting position) after your first sajdah and say this “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar– 10 times
- Go for your second sajdah and after the sajdah dua say “Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamadulillahi wa Laa Illaha Illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar– 10 times
- Stand up for the second Rakah and repeat the whole procedure.
At the end of each Rakah, you would have recited this Tasbih 75 times, so by the end of the Salah, you will have read it 300 times.

2 – Things To Be Kept In Mind:
- Do not keep track of the Tasbih loudly
- It is recommended to count by gently pressing the fingers as a reminder.
- If a count is missed in one posture, make up for it in the next posture. For example, if forgot to read the ones in the ruku, make it up in the Qayam position by reciting 20 times.
- Try to keep your mind focused or else this prayer can become really tricky if you keep forgetting how many you have read.
Also have a look at our detailed guide on How To Pray Tahajjud.
1 – What If I Am Not Satisfied With The Authenticity Of This?
This salah is a voluntary act of worship, numerous reports have deemed this as authentic. So labeling it as a Biddah (innovation) is wrong as major scholars like Imam at-Tirmidhi have quoted this. Those who do act upon it should not look down upon those who are not doing this, for they are trying to remain on the safe side of things. And those who are not following this act of worship should not look down upon those who are as if they are committing a sin.
May Allah SWT keep us on the straight path.
Jazakumullahu bi khairan may Allah subhanallah wata’ala continue bless you and your families and protect you
Jazak Allah.
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Team TheIslamicQuotes
Jazakallah khair for this beautiful knowledge 🤗❣️
Jazak Allah.
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Best regards,
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May Allah accept our ibadat Jazakallahu khairan.
Masha Allah alhamdullilah
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May Almighty Allah increase your energy and wisdom to live longer.
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Masha Allah tnx for the knowledge
Very knowledgeable for Muslim umma
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Jazakallah Khair, Allah bless you and us,
I would also request that you visit our Islamic forum to engage in Islamic discussions.
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Masha Allah, this is a website I have visited to seek knowledge which is fair and balanced. May Allah bless you. May the worldly gains of this world have no authority upon you.
Ameen and JazakAllah
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Team TheIslamicQuotes
Can I pray this salah before Fajr? Or after Isha? Or after midnight like 2am or 3am?
It can be prayed anytime except when sujood are prohibited.
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Team TheIslamicQuotes
Masha Allah. May Allah reward you with Jannah for sharing this knowledge. Be blessed
JazakAllah for your kind comment.
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Jazaka Allahu khairan ketheeran for the beneficial knowledge.
JazakaAllah Khair May Allah increase ur knowledge Nd also guide Nd protect you ❤️
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Team TheIslamicQuotes